Update on Matt’s health and the Civil Rights Case; 26 March 49 AC (2022) – My Comments


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Kenya: Witchcraft: The devil told me to have sex with sheep
Witchcraft is rampant across Africa. This story is incredibly weird and bizarre. Other Blacks said this Black guy was also having sex with a dog. This story makes for some insane reading. I published this on my old website.

[This is from an email I got in March. I notice that the Church of Creativity, has a date of "49 AC" – which is After Classen – the founder Ben Klassen! Jan]

This is the message:

I have just obtained word from Matt’s mother, Ms. Evelyn Hutcheson, that
Matt is well and out of COVID quarantine lockdown now.

Now that he is out of lockdown he was able to file his response to the
defendants in the Civil Rights Case. I will be forwarding that to you
all as soon as it becomes available on the Pacer.gov website.

Have a great day.


Branden Hall

GO TO: https://freematthale.org/

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Zimbabwe: 10,000 Blacks starved to death after White Farmers were chased out
2004: The Black Government denied that Blacks were starving to death. Here a Black Bishop gave some statistics. In here you‘ll read about nasty events that were hidden from the world.

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