Ukraine War: What does the blowing up of the Kakhovka Dam tell us? Answer: RUSSIA IS WEAK!!


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Video & Audio: What Napoleon would teach White South Africans: Part 2 of 3
This is Part 2 of a 3 Part series about fighting between Whites and Blacks in South African cities and what modern Whites could learn from Napoleon.

In the video I did about the Ukrainian counter offensive which I put out early in May, and which you can watch here:

In that video I discussed what the Ukrainians could do during this counter offensive, based on my knowledge of military history and what I’ve deduced around the war.

In that video, I showed why I believed that the real Ukrainian punch could be coming from the city of Kherson and straight into Crimea, the way that General Von Manstein did in WW2. The real game changer would be for Ukraine to capture Crimea this summer. If they do only that, it will stun everyone, including the Russians. It was my belief that this would be the real goal of the Ukrainian General Staff and it would be the real goal that the USA would agree with.

I did discuss the blowing of the bridges from Kherson. But the one huge weakness in my analysis was that I just did not sit and look closely at the Dnipro River to look at the dam situation. It was simply laziness on my part.

Therefore, the blowing of the Kakhovka Dam caught me off guard. However, once I saw it unfold, it immediately suggested to me that the Russians themselves were thinking along exactly the same lines.

Firstly, the blowing of the Kakhovka dam is NOT something that anyone would do LIGHTLY. It would NOT be done for propaganda purposes or even for economic or political purposes. NOBODY would blow it up for any of those reasons. It is an enormous structure and blowing it up can only be done ONCE. The act of blowing it up, might not even be as important as the result of the flowing water and the flooding. The Ukrainians themselves blew up a smaller dam near Kyiv in 2022. I think the Russians might have blown up another one as well.

The key issue is that the Ukrainians used it as a means of stopping the Russians last year. Blowing up bridges is common. All armies do it. And they all do it for one reason: To stop another military force. The blowing up of a dam can only have that type of value. It only has one use: To stop some military force. There is no other reason to do it.

The evidence is in, and scientists and experts have spoken and the Norwegian Seismometers confirm it: There was an enormous explosion at the dam, very likely INSIDE THE DAM. Only the Russians controlled it. The Russians did this. The Russians are the only ones who would benefit from doing it.

Secondly, the TIMING of this: The Russians seem to have put large amounts of explosives inside the dam a long time ago already for the moment when they need to blow it. So the question now is: WHY DID THEY BLOW IT WHEN THEY DID? We did not see any MILITARY REASON for them to blow it. But, remember, we are in a news blackout. There are things we do not know. But the Russians would know many things we don’t know.

There is no way in hell the Russians would have blown the wall for light hearted reasons. The order to do this had to have come from a very senior officer, like a General, or MAYBE EVEN FROM PUTIN HIMSELF! Yes! Do not discount that the order may have come from Putin himself! This is a very serious thing. This would NEVER have been done by low level troops or officers. This is a very high level order. So there is a very real possibility, perhaps even a certainty, that this came from Putin himself as a result of a discussion with his senior generals. They might have given him information about a critical situation that we don’t know about and they may have advised him or begged him to allow them to blow the dam. That is almost certainly how it happened.

So the question is WHY THEN? What was going on that caused Putin and his Generals to decide this must be done?

The only thing that makes military sense to me is that blowing the dam would stop something bigger – like the stuff I spoke about in my video, like Ukrainian Armour heading in from Kherson.

I’ve had some days to look at this and I’m sure that there was a SERIOUS MILITARY REASON why this was done by Putin and his Generals.

They know the flooding won’t last forever. But they do know the flooding will stuff up Ukrainian Military operations for at least weeks, or even maybe a month or more. THAT IS THE ONLY REASON WHY THEY WOULD HAVE DONE THIS.

Would the Russians blow it while knowing the damage it would do to them? Yes. They might either not have known exactly how much damage it would do to them, OR they might have known it and blown it anyway because the threat they are facing is worth it.

I am totally convinced that the ONLY reason for blowing the dam was military and that the Russians knew something about the Ukrainians that we do not know and they know something ABOUT THEMSELVES THAT WE DO NOT KNOW.

Remember, we only have about 1% of the data of what is going on in this war. Maybe even less than 1%. There is a LOT that the Ukrainian General Staff know and that the Russian General Staff know that we will not know for YEARS!

This leaves me with one final conclusion: This was done FOR A GOOD MILITARY REASON and therefore, it can only show WEAKNESS on the Russian side. The Russians had to have FEARED SOMETHING and the Russians had to have known that this thing they were fearing was of such a nature that THEY DID NOT FEEL CONFIDENT THEY COULD STOP IT.

It shows WEAKNESS. It gives away the fact that at the TOP, Putin and the Generals had a FEAR, and they gave that order.

Also, this is hardly mentioned but at the same time as this, there are a bunch of lakes near the entrance to Crimea, and all those lakes were also blown up and they flooded the N14 highway from Melitopol to Kherson.

Again, the only logical sense for that is MILITARY – a force coming from Kherson.

So those are my final thoughts. The Kakhovka dam was blown for a military reason for something IMMINENT that the Russians knew was a REAL THREAT.

What this indicates is that the Russians, RIGHT AT THE TOP, including Putin, KNOW that the Ukrainian counter offensive could be very nasty, and even they are WORRIED.

If that offensive from Kherson was real, then, we need to see what the Ukrainians do. Can the Ukrainians get back over the river and be able to sort out the mud and the chaos and the bridges and pontoons so that they can resume that offensive? We will need to see. I think it will take at least a month or maybe even longer. That is the offensive I was thinking would happen. But now I’m not so sure.

We will have to watch in the weeks and months ahead.


They did NOT do this for just the sake of flooding or just for the sake of economics. THEY DID THIS FOR A STRICT MILITARY PURPOSE AND NO OTHER.

That should show you, that even they are VERY WORRIED about this Summer of War.

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Video: What Hitler tried to teach Germans and ALL Whites
White peoples minds have been so rotted and misled on extremely important questions that I think most whites, and even many National Socialists (NAZIS) dont comprehend some of the lessons Hitler was trying to teach the Germans.

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