Ukraine War: Russians are doing weird things – 1,000 Artillery pieces DESTROYED – Their Front Lines are in trouble – PUTIN’S FINAL MOVE: blow up the Zaphorisia Nuclear power plant?
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A lot of things are now beginning to make sense in Russian behaviour. In recent weeks the Russians began using KA-52 attack helicopters to counter attack when the Ukrainians brought in tanks and armour. The Ukrainians had to change their tactics to then shoot down the helicopters.
Another strange thing the Russians are doing is that they are trying counter attacks with tanks. These are failing dismally.
But the helicopters and tanks may be a sign that there is a much bigger problem. That problem is that between May and June they lost 1,000 artillery pieces. The artillery is the CORE of the Russian defence. Also their ammunition dumps have been blown up at a high rate. The Ukrainians, are for the first time in the war reaching a PAR with the Russians in rate of artillery fire. But the Russians are losing a lot of systems.
I monitor the daily Ukraine war stats and the Russians are losing 10, 20 or even 30 artillery pieces every day. Sometimes even more.
The Russian lines might be close to being penetrated.
The only nuclear danger is that the Russians have put mines in the Zapohrisia nuclear power plant. If they blow this power plant then the war might end up being stopped. That could be a final move. Such an explosion could cover most of Ukraine and even big chunks of Russia in nuclear radioactive fallout. It would reach Bulgaria and Western Europe. It could even reach north Africa.
Could Putin do this? Maybe. He’s blown up the Kakhovka dam. I think there is a 90% chance that he is capable of this move. I think his situation is so serious that he would blow it up and he would lie about it. I’ve watched him lying about other things and tell provable lies.
So I don’t see nuclear bombs or missiles as being a problem but, if he can invent enough of a lie about this, he could blow it and blame the Ukrainians or they could say it was an accident. This nuclear power plant is under Russian control. The blowing of it would create the greatest natural disaster that has ever happened in Europe. And I think that blowing up a nuclear power plant is borderline enough that the USA would not be able to turn around and attack Russia itself with its own nukes and aircraft. I think this is borderline enough that Putin might well be able to pull it off.
This event’s effect would be most dependent on WIND and AIR CURRENTS. So he would want to do it in such a way that it does not hurt Russia. But, even so, this stuff is very unpredictable.
This would be a really nasty event. And I think this is within the realm of possibility.
The Ukrainians might stop the war, but the Russians are vicious, and it is even possible that they could continue fighting and even advancing perhaps. Or they could blow it and "freeze" the conflict and retreat.
I think this event has a 50% possibility. This would be VERY NASTY. But this would end the war.
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