Ukraine War: Day 16: Creating Putin’s Vietnam: The Slowkrieg … Battle of Kyiv – Maximum length of the War


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I am looking at maps of the Russian progress, and I must say, 16 days into this conflict and the Russian Blitzkrieg is insanely slow. The Russians were at the outskirts of Kyiv on DAY 2. Day 2! That is what was reported. We’re on Day 16 now and they are beginning to dig trenches and prepare for the Battle of Kyiv.

The whole Russian advance has gone at a snail’s pace. That can only mean one thing: That the Russians are meeting a LOT of resistance. So the Russians are moving forward, YES, but at a snail’s pace.

Also, I believe that most of the 150,000 troops that Putin originally had earmarked for Ukraine were already in Ukraine. But Putin only has about 10% of Ukraine’s land area.

I’m trying to assess matters as best I can from various sources, while being aware that I could be reading lots of junk and propaganda too. But if this information is even basically close to being true then this is bad news for Putin.

Putin may have to throw a lot more troops into Ukraine. As I said at the outset, if you’re on the attack you must MOVE FAST and if you SLOW DOWN, things begin to GO WRONG. And the slower you go the WORSE IT GETS.

This is NOT a Blitzkrieg, though Putin initially aimed for that.

At this pace, it could take Putin 4-6 weeks to try to seal up the whole Eastern chunk of Ukraine and to get hold of say, 40% of Ukraine.

The Russians must have lost at least 4,000 or 5,000 dead by now – is my best guess.

A month from now they could be sitting with over 12,000 dead. That is not going to make Russians happy.

The Ukrainians probably have at least 2,000 to 3,000 dead by now. But for them, with a population of 44 million, defending their own country, this is not a big deal. Yes, the Russians have 4x the population of Ukraine. But for the Russians Ukraine is not everything whereas for the Ukrainians, this IS HOME.

I think the Russian advance is very slow. A few days into this war, Macron of France suddenly said this is going to be "long". Clearly the Generals gave him the low down on this.

The White Generals who serve the anti-White Jewish/Traitors who run the West, do have power, and sadly they and their soldiers FIGHT FOR THE JEWISH CAUSE. Sadly. But, regardless of the scum they work for, the fact is that they have military knowledge. And what’s really going on here is what the White GENERALS are assessing, and those Generals can see an opportunity to trip up Putin. As I said in one of my first posts when this war started: If the Russians could lose Afghanistan, then the Russians could lose in Ukraine, IF the Whites have the weapons and determination to fight.

The real secret here is the GUERILLA WAR that can be unleashed here. The more the Russians are slowed down, the more the casualties mount.

A rough rule of thumb for civilians who fight in a mass army like this, is that they will be willing to fight for about 6 months and then people will tire out.

At this point it looks as if it could take the Russians 3 months to seize Ukraine. So expect the morale of the Ukrainians to flounder after about 3 months.

We’re only 2 weeks into this.

ORIGINALLY, Putin was expected to have Kyiv in about 3-5 days. We’re on Day 16 now. So the whole thing has gone very wrong.

This war now, is CONVENTIONAL WAR. But later, after 3-6 months when the Russians have most of the country, it can turn GUERILLA. Then things will be much much slower, and it can drag on for years, IF the Ukrainians are willing to fight.

It really depends on Putin’s ability to win over the Ukrainians on to the Russian side.

By the end of the CONVENTIONAL phase, the death toll on both sides will be in the tens of thousands of White men dead. It does look as if the Russians are losing about 2 troops for every 1 Ukrainian who dies. That’s my best guess.

That is NOT good for the Russians.

What the Western Generals are pushing for … and this is the TRAP … is that they bog Putin down, slow the Russians down and begin bleeding the Russians ENDLESSLY … maybe for YEARS.

That is the REAL GAME PLAN HERE. Turning this into a slow war that NEVER STOPS.

They want to bleed the Russians like the way the Americans were bled in Vietnam, or the Whites were bled in Africa or the French were bled in Indo-China, or Napoleon was bled in the Peninsular War.

That’s the real game plan. The West is playing a long game, that’s why there are sanctions. The next step is to foment and try to create either some kind of coup d’etat in Russia or some other internal unrest. That was Putin not only has a war in Ukraine, but he has economic nightmares and internal unrest in Russia. I don’t think revolution or internal unrest is likely to succeed. It seems that a coup d’etat of some kind is really what the West is aiming for. There is probably some Jew or Russian traitor they have in mind. But even that might take some time. It might take a few years.

The game they are HOPING FOR is to slowly bleed Putin to death and then when things are crazy, maybe have him chucked out by some traitors in his elite.

That’s the real game plan they are playing for.

At this point, that plan is a distinct possibility.

What I’m watching is the Battle for Kyiv. I think this could be the biggest, meanest fight of all. The fact that the Ukrainians had 2 weeks to prepare for it, has given them a HUGE OPPORTUNITY. HUGE. A battle in the rubble of Kyiv could kill tens of thousands of Russians. The Battle of Kyiv itself has the potential to suck in LOTS of Russian troops.

There are different ways to fight in a city. And if you don’t have the stomach for street fighting, then what you do is you bombard the city until it’s pure rubble. The Russians have got the weapons for that. The Russians could slaughter lots of civilians and kill quite a lot of troops while they flatten the city. But, this alone is not enough. Even if you flatten the city, you still have to send troops in to the rubble and many of the enemy will easily live. Now if I look at the Russian moves elsewhere, it seems to me that the Russians have not been doing well in city fighting at all.

ALSO: The Russians are caught between a rock and a hard place. If they SLAUGHTER CIVILIANS in Kyiv, the sheer raw HATRED of all Ukrainians will go through the roof. This will make Russian occupation of Ukraine very difficult. If Putin wants to survive in the long term, he must not piss off the locals too much. Even if he wins, they live there and they could cause problems in the form of guerilla war for years.

The real key is how keen are the Ukrainians to fight after they’ve been at it for 3-6 months. How many of them are still keen to fight. That is the key.

The real game plan is to bleed Putin and Russia in Ukraine until Putin is himself broken. This is a military game plan. It is possible that many of the Western leaders never even had this idea and that the Generals may have seen the opportunity as this developed and then pushed for it. UNLESS THIS WAS A SET UP TO NAB PUTIN FROM THE BEGINNING. This is VERY LIKELY because the West KNEW and stated that Putin WOULD FIGHT. So they may have seen an opportunity for an ambush.

Jews no doubt have been playing intensely here. But I do think Western Generals have assessed this and they see this as an opportunity to catch Russia making a huge mistake and they can burn them. Like I say, Vietnam for Putin.

My interest lies in the ability of Whites to fight this professional army if they get some weapons. And so far I’m impressed. The Russians have seized 10% of Ukraine in 16 days at great cost.

This is NOT what Putin was expecting. I want to see the combat capability of ordinary Whites who are thrown into a professional war.

I think Putin is not keen on bringing in huge numbers of Infantry. To me it seems as if his biggest military mistake is the lack of INFANTRY. But, lots of infantry means lots of deaths too.

I think Russia is going to bleed like it’s not done since WW2. Of course, this is minor compared to the war with Hitler where the Wehrmacht left 30 million dead.

In this day and age people are not used to casualties, so even 1% of that amount will start freaking people out.

In this war, we will definitely see tens of thousands of White troops dying this year. If this war continues into next year, which I am certain is what the West wants, and what the Generals see as necessary in order to break Russia, then this war’s numbers will keep going up – but at a much slower pace. In a guerilla war, you could be looking at say 200-300 Ukrainian troops dying each month with maybe 500 Russians being killed each month. These are just rough guesses. If this continues on for say 5 years, then you’ll see the pain.

The Ukrainians definitely have the NUMBERS … if only they have the WEAPONS and the TERRITORY LEFT. Otherwise, if Putin seizes all the territory, then where are the Ukrainians going to be able to fight from? If they have to hide in Europe and then cross into Ukraine, then the Russians would have cause to fight the Europeans. I don’t think the Europeans want that. So if Putin could seize 80% or 90% of Ukraine, maybe the Ukrainians will just quit.

We don’t really know how long the Ukrainians will have the WILL TO FIGHT. I would think that they will easily fight for 3-6 months IF THEY CAN HOLD THE RUSSIANS BACK FAR ENOUGH.

All of this is very instructive for Whites everywhere because, in our future, for White survival, the key issue will be for WHITE MEN TO FIGHT AGAINST PROFESSIONAL ARMIES.

You could be a "Ukrainian" in America, or France. That is our future. So watch this war very closely. There are lots of lessons we could learn from this. LOTS!!!

Ultimately, we need to face HOSTILE JEW-CONTROLLED ARMIES. And that will put us in a similar situation.

If the Ukrainians can beat or hold down Putin, then that is EXCELLENT NEWS for the rest of us – in terms of lessons of war we can take away with us.

I’m only concerning myself with military lessons from this. Because all White men will have to fight for FREEDOM in our lifetimes. That is where this is going.

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