UK: NON-WHITE’S VILE MURDER OF WHITE WOMAN: Pictured: Vile predator who killed NHS worker mother-of-three, 37, by repeatedly orally raping her as she lay unconscious on park bench


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3 South African cities now rank among the 20 most violent in the world
This is an international report that was published recently. At this source link you‘ll see some interesting charts and statistics. South Africa was never like this under Apartheid.

[You can see the photos at the source link below. Yet another lovely young White woman dies for no reason. You can thank diversity and Jews. Jan]

A vile predator who killed an NHS worker by repeatedly orally raping her as she lay unconscious on a park bench was today convicted of manslaughter.

Jurors at the Old Bailey wept as they were shown horrifying footage of the vile attack carried out by 35-year-old Mohamed Noor Iidow.

Lidow had been prowling Southall Park in west London looking for women to assault when he found mother-of-three Natalie Shotter, 37, lying on a bench.

The fiend overstimulated the nerves at the back of her throat in the horrific attack on July 17, 2021 and caused her to have a cardiac arrest.

Ms Shotter, who was a little more than five foot tall and weighed just 95lb, lay dead for hours before finally being found by a passer-by.

Jurors at the Old Bailey wept as they were shown horrifying footage of the vile attack carried out by 35-year-old Mohamed Noor lidow

Ms Shotter’s mother, NHS cardiology practitioner Dr Cas Shotter Weetman, said that the family is celebrating Iidow’s conviction.

She said: ‘We’re delighted for her children and that we finally, finally, after three and a half years, have got justice for Nat,’ adding that she was a ‘beautiful soul’.

Dr Weetman added: ‘We’re celebrating, obviously we’re jubilant, absolutely jubilant about the outcome, I can’t tell you what it means to us.

‘She was a beautiful, beautiful girl, an NHS worker, worked for charities, mother of three, just the most amazing soul, (and) kind. She had so much to give, so much more to give.’

Initially police treated Ms Shotter’s death as unexpected before arresting lidow on August 4, 2021.

The victim’s mother, cardiologist Dr Cas Shotter Weetman, criticised the Met Police after two officers allegedly told Ms Shotter’s friend they could do nothing to help her.

She led a campaign for justice for her daughter and believes that a culture of misogyny in the Met contributed to her death.

Lidow was charged with manslaughter and rape on December 21, 2023 and convicted of both charges by the jury of eight men and four women.

The NHS worker’s family sobbed in the well of the court as lidow was found guilty by a unanimous verdict.

Lidow mouthed a few words to a supporter in the public gallery but otherwise showed no reaction to the verdict.

Ms Shotter’s mother, who has worked for the NHS for 45 years, said following the verdict: ‘We’re celebrating, obviously we’re jubilant, absolutely jubilant about the outcome, I can’t tell you what it means to us.

‘She was a beautiful, beautiful girl, an NHS worker, worked for charities, mother of three, just the most amazing soul, and kind.

‘She had so much to give, so much more to give.’

The court heard lidow has previous convictions relating to ‘online sexual offences.’

The court heard Ms Shotter (pictured) was very vulnerable on the night of the attack

Ms Shotter (pictured with her mother) measured little more than 5ft and weighed just over six and a half stone (43kg), jurors were told

The Common Serjeant of London, Judge Richard Marks, KC, adjourned sentence until December 14.

Jurors wept at as prosecutor Alison Morgan narrated harrowing CCTV footage.

The court heard Natalie had been drinking and taking poppers before she lay down on the bench.

‘At 23.41 her arm can be seen moving, swinging a little bit, she is lying down along the bench,’ she said.

‘Natalie is lying down and there’s nothing to suggest a sudden falling down to the ground dead, or that she’s having a seizure.

‘Consuming alcohol and consuming poppers might make her lie down in that way, she must have been drowsy and semi-conscious.

‘The prosecution’s case is that even if she had consumed those substances, there was no reason for her to die before this point.

‘She may very well have been lying down on that bench thanks to what she consumed.

‘What was the defendant doing there? What was he seeking to do, walking up and down the paths in the middle of the night?

The prosecutor added lidow was ‘seeking out a vulnerable woman to rape.’

Ms Shotter was found dead on a bench in Southall Park (pictured), west London, in July 2021

But lidow’s barristers argued that he may not have caused the death- or that Ms Shotter was dead before he came across her.

Peter Glenser, KC, defending, told jurors: ‘There is no evidence that Ms Shotter moved after 23.41, you cannot exclude the possibility that she is dead.’

Detective Chief Inspector Wayne Jolley, who led the Scotland Yard investigation, said: ‘Lidow’s predatory attack on Natalie was disturbing and shocking.

‘This man drove to the park that night and took advantage of a vulnerable woman who should have been safe.

‘Even after his arrest, Iidow attempted to claim that his actions were consensual.

‘This case has deeply affected those involved, due to its rarity and tragic details.

‘We needed to prove Natalie’s death was caused by being raped and that involved diligent work using experts in this field to charge and now convict Iidow.

‘I commend the strength of Natalie’s friends and family who have had to listen to these details throughout the trial. Iidow is now facing a long term of imprisonment.’


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VIDEO: BIG RUSSIAN LIES: How many Russians have died in the Ukraine war?
Putin and the Russian Government tell insane lies about how many Russian troops have died. In this comprehensive article and this short BBC video you will see the best estimates I can give based on all the data I have seen about how many Russian and Ukrainian Troops have actually been KILLED up to 16th June 2023.

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