UK: Alison Chabloz’s trial: Her final punishment. Also: She has received Death & Rape Threats!
White Shop: Hitler: Ein Volk 3-G shirt
EIN VOLK, EIN REICH, EIN FUHRER Reproduction of 1938 Nazi poster issued after the German annexation of Austria, One People, One Reich, One Leader.
[I am very pleased that Alison did not get an outright jail sentence. I am curious as to what the technical details of her punishment actually mean. When it says she can’t post thing on the social media, does that mean that she can still post things on her own blog or website? She had told me in a prior interview that her intention was to appeal the outcome if she is found guilty.
I’ve sent her a message to see if I can interview her soon to get her and her lawyer’s thoughts on the outcome.
I am very happy about many things that she managed to say in court, like saying that the holocaust was merely a lie invented by Jews. The mere fact that her words are being reported in the mainstream media might help to trigger some people to begin looking into the holocaust to see if she’s right. I think that all the things she has said, and which have come into the open as a result of her trial are EXCELLENT. It draws attention, and I think there will be people who will wake up and become red pilled as a result of curiosity with regard to her reasons for writing these songs.
I think Alison has done EXCELLENT work for our race and for Europe by doing what she did, the way she did it. Now the question is, where to for her, from here. I like the way the Jewish piece of garbage calls her “insignificant”. That’s pure Jewish nonsense. She’s anything BUT insignificant! The fact that the Jews had to spend lots of money to eventually drag her into a court and to set the Police on her shows you how IMPORTANT her actions really are.
The Jewish scum hope to make an example of her, but I think all in all, she’s broken important new ground. I think this was a win for whites and you will see the end result of this in years to come!
Take note of the unpleasantness she’s had to put up with – death threats and even rape threats! This is very creepy. But will the Police even concern themselves with her safety? I very much doubt it. The Police and Legal system are there to protect Jewish safety more than any whites! Jan]
Woman who wrote antisemitic songs calling Holocaust gas chambers ‘a proven hoax’ spared jail
Judge bans Alison Chabloz from posting anything on social media for a year
A woman who wrote antisemitic songs mocking the Holocaust and calling gas chambers a “proven hoax” has been spared jail.
Alison Chabloz was sentenced to 20 weeks imprisonment after being convicted of violating laws against “offensive” or menacing messages, but a judge suspended the punishment for two years.
He told Westminster Magistrates’ Court that Chabloz had shown “no proper remorse” for her actions, adding: “I don’t know whether you want to be a martyr to your purported cause – time will tell.
The public gallery was packed with her supporters and members of the Campaign Against Antisemitism, which sparked the case with a private prosecution.
Chairman Gideon Falter said the sentence “sends a strong message that in Britain, Holocaust denial and antisemitic conspiracy theories will not be tolerated”.
“Chabloz is a remorseless and repulsive antisemite who has spent years obsessively inciting others to hate Jews, principally by claiming that the Holocaust was a hoax perpetrated by Jews to defraud the world,” he added, calling her a “pathetic and insignificant figure”.

Chabloz, a Swiss-British dual nation, had been convicted of three counts of gross offence over her songs, which she had performed on YouTube and at far-right events.
Partly set to traditional Jewish folk music, with lyrics like: “Did the Holocaust ever happen? Was it just a bunch of lies? Seems that some intend to pull the wool over our eyes.”
Chabloz told the court her songs were “satire” and claimed some Jewish people found them funny.
Prosecutor Karen Robinson previously told the court: “They’re not political songs. They are no more than a dressed-up attack on a group of people for no more than their adherence to a religion.”
She told the court school children were being “indoctrinated” by being sent to Auschwitz, called Israel a “criminal state” and claimed that Jews are disproportionately influential.
In mitigation, a defence lawyer for Chabloz said that the videos had not been widely viewed before the court case.
White Shop: A great colour painting action poster of a flight of Messerchmidt 262 Fighters
A great action poster of a flight of Me 262 jets taking off to intercept the latest wave of terror fleigers. Very dynamic picture. Printed on 10oz vinyl suitable for outdoor use as well as indoors.