Trying to catch up on hero Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial… HOPE HIS TRIAL IS NOT RIGGED


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In Israel Legislators Introduce a Bill to Punish Christians who Tell People about Jesus. They want to jail them!

I only realised the other day that the awesome young White American hero, Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial was in progress. so I’m trying to catch up a bit on that too.

Now Kyle’s trial is an open-and-shut slam dunk … he did nothing wrong.

So this should be a 100% straight out win for him.

But I am wary of what happens in courts, not just in South Africa but also in America, and so I hope that Kyle gets a FAIR TRIAL.

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Video & Audio: The Mysterious Jewish Tunnels at the New York Synagogue
The Jews were caught unexpectedly at this. Here is an analysis of what we know so far and why I am extremely skeptical about the Jewish stories that relate to this. Note that the Jews even claim that their famous Rabbi is/was the Messiah!

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