Trust the truckers: Our freedoms ride with them: Block the Super Bowl


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White Shop: 20 x Stickers: The Media is the Virus
These are Glossy, high quality stickers. 3 inches by 5 inches. Pack of 20 stickers.

[I hope that Whites think up other protests. That will be awesome. The truckers have done something awesome in Canada! Jan]

Trust the

Our freedoms
ride with them



By John Kaminski

The entire population of the world, minus all the paid off political puppets, already know what the deal is — it’s a no brainer. Trust the government? No way! Trust the truckers? Definitely.

Jail the so-called leaders, those disgustingly corrupt bureaucrats, working for Klaus Schwab’s beastly bribes? Absolutely.

The people have spoken and the truckers are speaking for them while the limp wristed legislative liars bribed by Big Pharma’s crooked cash cowboys think they can tell the world what to do.

Well, the real men in the 16 wheelers have declared in no uncertain terms that they can’t, and the whole world of ordinary working class families standing by the side of the highways of the world waving their flags in freezing weather will never stop backing these upstanding family heroes against all the murderous might their demented governments can muster.

That cute little girl in the snowsuit speaks for all of us. Her sign said, “The trucks have come to save us!” And they have.

Truckers rolling worldwide

At this moment truck convoys are spreading worldwide. Finally, humanity is starting to assert itself. Even the U.S. government is now expecting American truckers to snarl Sunday’s Super Bowl by clogging the routes to the stadium.

Nobody needs to watch that pornographic halftime show and the rigged football game when the lives of hundreds of millions of people around the world are on the line, victimized by the lies of Big Pharma murderers, hedge fund henchmen and jaded politicians fattened by foreign billionaires trying their best to obliterate the lives of everyone on the planet.

I say honk your horns for freedom, everyone, everywhere, and don’t stop ’til we get it.

Trust the truckers. Tell the police to stand down. Remind them they have families too. They can either stand on the side of real people or commit crimes for the criminals who pay them, judges appointed by perverted rich industrialists and elected officials who couldn’t tell the truth if their country depended on it, which it does.

Maybe in my lifetime there has never been a popular cause so pure, so motivated by goodness, so promoted by families waving their flags and opposed by tyrants counting their money, as the massive movement of big trucks to the Canadian capital for one purpose only, to say ‘Why are you doing this to us? Why have you taken away our freedom?’

And what does our cowardly government do? Leaders hide in their opulent apartments afraid to even speak to the people whose votes they begged for, promising justice and compassion but now delivering indifference and abandonment. These leaders are cowards. The people must abandon them much faster than they have abandoned us, and abandon them now.

This is not government of the people, this is the tyranny of the billionaire bastards who could care less about the naive natives dropping dead from poison vaccines or the freezing homeless too smart to forfeit their lives to money hungry doctors too selfish to behave honorably.

This is the people speaking, this is us speaking! Not some invisible wraith of corporate contempt, attempting to tell us they have to reconfigure everything to cover the crime of all the money they have already stolen from us.

When you realize this, it reveals the colossal scam that has been played on us, trying to ruin all our systems and herd us into prisons of purposeful poverty, totally controlled by people who want not only to control us but to eliminate us permanently.

Think about the well-meaning people who have died following government orders to get jabbed with a fatal bioweapon. Think of all those babies who never made it out of their jabbed mothers’ wombs because of smarmy executives insisting that their experimental jabs were perfectly safe.

Think of all those prissy politicians mandating experimental inoculations — a totally illegal act — and continuing to say those empty words as the death toll surpasses all previous totals.

Sabotaging the republic

Think about it. Biden the Buffoon opens the borders to let the world stroll in and deliberately overload all our financial systems — welfare, health, education, housing, you name it. Three hundred thousand new residents in a single year, no criminal or disease checks, most unable to speak English. They all get debit cards, while unemployed Americans watch their savings dry up from bills they can no longer pay.

This is a deliberate recipe for disaster. And the Communist psychos who stole the election and put up barbed wire around the White House? What an appropriate symbol to represent what the forces of evil have constructed around the American mind! Around the minds of the entire world.

Truckers have now blocked many of the major bridges to Canada. The bridge in Detroit is a jugular, especially because it has caused the major auto manufacturers to either close or restrict their operations due to lack of parts, which need to be brought in by trucks. Excellent.

The truckers haven’t wrecked the economy. The politicians have wrecked the economy, deliberately. End the mandates and the economy will come back, if the politicians let it.

For weeks now the patriotic citizens of Alberta have braved Arctic temperatures to block a border crossing to compel aberrant autocrats from mandating poison jabs for a disease that isn’t killing anybody with shots that are, wrecking businesses that never needed to be closed for a flu turned into a plague by pharmaceutical PR prostitutes.

All over Canada, all over the U.S., soon throughout Europe and eventually in Australia, the trucks are coming to save us. Don’t let the government stop them, shut them off or shoot them down.

The trucks are coming to save us from governments demanding to turn us into robots. Ride with them. Bring them food and fuel as well. If they fail, we all fail. If they die, we all die.

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.

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2007: US Generals too afraid to fight Iran Generals Threaten to Quit
Here is a very important story from my old AfricanCrisis archive. This shows you how unhappy American Generals were about attacking Iran. I bet that it‘s still very similar. They know it‘s too difficult.

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