Trump’s Justice Department Wants More Money To Confiscate Guns!?!?!?


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This is the amazing story of how Jews in S.Africa guided Blacks and helped Blacks to plan a MASSIVE RACE WAR to SLAUGHTER the Whites of S.Africa. This was almost like a 911. The Afrikaners caught the Jews and the Blacks red-handed. I will turn this into an audio book as well. It‘s a stunning story that is very much hidden and forgotten.

[From one of my supporters. Never give up your weapons. NEVER! Jan]

Gee, lets see now, the satanic DNA seedline jew Trump wants to send in the Military to do FORCED Vaccinations this year & his Just Us Department wants more money to CON-fiscate your Guns!?!?!?

Can you say satanic DNA seedline jew TROJAN HORSE???

Trump’s Justice Department Wants More Money To Confiscate Guns – Guns in the News

Trump’s Justice Department Wants More Money To Confiscate Guns – Guns in…

President Donald Trump’s justice department is asking for more money “to help confiscate guns from people who sh…

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2008: S.Africa: Oprah Winfrey, Racist diva of double standards
Ms Winfrey openly and shamelessly admitted that her new school was not only racist, but also sexist. She opened an elite school only for Black Girls in SA.

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