Trump’s counter-punch: WAKING UP? Majority Of Independents Call Trump Raid “Political” – Now More Motivate d To Vote


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Video: Afrikaner Resistance Movement: Speech by AWB Leader Steyn von Ronge
On 2017-11-11 I attended a public gathering held by the AWB on a farm 30Km from Coligny. At the gathering were other right wing groups allied to the AWB.

[This is fantastic. I was thinking in recent days how badly we need to red pill as many Whites as we possibly can. Seriously. We must wake all Whites up. But sometimes, the Jews and their assholes, like Biden, the bag of crap … actually ASSIST US!!! Trump is wild and uncontrollable as I've pointed out clearly. He's stirring the pot like crazy. He's never silent. That is FANTASTIC. People seem to be rallying around him REGARDLESS of whether he is in the right or the wrong legally. This is fantastic. This is what makes Trump special. He's irking them a lot, and it does not matter WHY. All that matters is that he's stirring the pot big time. And each time he does it, lots of people sit up and TAKE NOTICE. If Trump does nothing else but this … he could be the most powerful force in turning America around – simply by waking people up. And Trump has a special ability to talk to WHITE AMERICANS. They listen to him. Jan]

The Biden Administration’s raid of Mar-A-Lago has turned voters against them.

A new poll found that 53.9% of independents view the raid as political.

The raid is also increasing independent voters’ likelihood to vote — 71.7% of independents now say they’re more enthusiastic to vote.

Democrat voters did not see the same increase in enthusiasm.

From PJ Media:
According to a new poll from Convention of States and Trafalgar Group, the majority of Independents, 53.9%, believe Trump’s political enemies are behind the FBI Raid. They join 76.7% of Republicans who hold the same view. The two groups are also aligned on enthusiasm to vote based on the FBI raid. The spectacle increased the motivation to vote for 83.3% of Republicans and 71.7% of Independents.

Nearly three-quarters of Trump-Deranged Democrats believe the raid was the impartial justice system at work. The raid did not create as much enthusiasm to vote among Democrats, with only 55.2% saying it made a difference.

“Independent and Republican voters are united in their outrage about this unprecedented and tragic event in American history. It’s clear to voters that the FBI raid is designed to punish the primary political enemy of the regime in power,” said Mark Meckler, President of Convention of States. “This gestapo-style injustice has created a voting surge that is so significant, the polling doesn’t even begin to reflect what is coming from grassroots voters in November,”

Trump also saw record fundraising after the raid of Mar-A-Lago.

The Gateway Pundit reported:

Trump shattered all fundraising records after Joe Biden’s jackbooted thugs raided Mar-a-Lago on Monday.

“Breaking: is shattering all fundraising records and I’m told has raised more money in the past 24 hours than ever before in recent history! The American people are pissed!” Eric Trump said in a post on Truth Social Tuesday night.

Are “independent” voters waking up?


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USA: Confederates: What Whites really thought about Blacks Quotes from History
These are quotes from Whites in the past. The Confederates had discussions about Blacks. Here you‘ll see some quotes.

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