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Video: WW3 Analysis: Russia, China, etc: Jans High Level Strategic Analysis as at: October
In October 2022, I gave a presentation in South Africa to prepper group of Boers at the request of their leader.

Trump might not be as strong as people think. I watched an analysis by a serious, middle aged European guy I’ve watch before. He said that Europe currently gives Ukraine more military support than the USA does. He also reiterated what I’ve spotted myself and it is that Ukraine has quite an amazing military industry. It is about half that of Russia – which is quite astounding. He did a complex video a while back wherein he theorised this: Trump will try something (negotiations) which will FAIL and then we’ll see what Trump REALLY DOES. That is the crux of his Trump analysis. He says The Russian army is also worn out. The lost lots of armour & even use donkeys in some places. He also thinks America is not so militarily important to Ukrainian survival. Trump won’t block US military sales. Maybe Trump wanted anyway to SCARE EUROPE INTO ACTION & Europe is doing that now. I think EUROPE MUST ARM UP MASSIVELY.

This guy explained why he thinks Ukraine will not just collapse if America stops supporting it. What is clear is that this war is more than just about Ukraine. Russia borders on the Baltic and those Whites do NOT want to be ruled by Russia. The Eastern Europeans have been ruled by Russians and they don’t want to be ruled by Russia again. I agree with them. This guy was saying that WESTERN EUROPEANS NEED TO LOOK AT WHAT THEY WANT OUT OF THIS WAR BECAUSE THIS IS ON THEIR DOORSTEP. I have read that if the war stops, that within 5 years, Russia will be ready again to fight European nations. Giving Putin any kind of win, like keeping the territory he has is a VERY BAD THING. PUTIN WILL BECOME MORE AGGRESSIVE & THE CHINESE AND OTHERS, EVEN THE BLACKS WILL FOLLOW SUIT. TRUMP might be playing a game with Putin to try to draw him into talks. But he did a very bad thing by making it appear as if he will give into all Putin’s demands. My conclusion re: the world is that Europe MUST ARM UP A LOT.

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Video: Guilt Tripping Canadians and Americans over First Nations and History
We also discussed the jailing of Leslie Bory in Canada after speaking about the Jews. We discussed many topics including Africa and Boers. This discussion took place on a Canadian show called: Rock the Boat.

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