Trump is nailed for a tiny coverup – The Clintons got away with MASSES of COVERUPS, Lies and murder!


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Video: Xmas in Zimbabwe
This is the untold story of why Robert Mugabe drove the white farmers out from Zimbabwe. I did this for Xmas 2015 and it includes some humour and fun that we poke at Mugabe.

I must say that what Trump did is tiny compared to what the Clintons did and got away with. Hillary Clinton for example devoted herself to hunting down and dealing with all the women Bill Clinton had affairs with. Then there were deeper and bigger things, like the dozens of people, some of them ex-Clinton people who were murdered under mysterious circumstances. What Trump did is teeny weeny compared to the lives of Bill and Hillary Clinton. But it shows you, Trump doesn’t have the kind of connections the Clintons had.

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USA: Confederates: What Whites really thought about Blacks Quotes from History
These are quotes from Whites in the past. The Confederates had discussions about Blacks. Here you‘ll see some quotes.

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