To Hell with the kinder, gentler Canada … we want a WHITE CANADA!
White Date
White Dating! Love is not just looking at each other, it‘s looking in the same direction.
If you look at the fun video I put up where the White Canadians are mocking the journalist and shouting over him and calling him some nasty, but well deserved names, there is something I want to comment on.
This is the short video I’m referring to:
In there the journalist apologises for the fact that "the kinder, gentler Canada" is gone with all these people screaming at him. By the way, the nasty comments the people make at him, actually seem to touch him and upset him. It’s a good sign. Maybe it will affect the reporter.
Anyhow I just want to comment on the Liberal garbage about ".. a kinder gentler Canada". I suspect this is pure Liberal claptrap about some kind of "improved Canada". Who the hell gives a shit about a "kinder gentler BLACK/JEWISH Canada?" (Even the kinder, gentler part would itself be an outrageous LIE!). All that matters is that CANADA IS WHITE FFS. Who gives a shit about that Jewish Liberal claptrap!
As for Justin Trudeau, I see that he’s busy with his WAR AGAINST WHITE CANADIANS. He wants to tear down 200 monuments! There you go, the communist soy boy Trudeau carring out the Jewish agenda as probably dictated to him by the Jewish Billionaire Bronfman!
JUSTIN TRUDEAU HATES WHITE PEOPLE. It’s that simple. And when he hears "NAZIS", "White Supremacists", he calls in the cops, anti-riot teams, snipers … and he sets out to smash down 200 Canadian monuments.
Justin Trudeau is a Jew-own, Jew-loving, Communist-loving, anti-White, bag of crap.
Video: Heroes: The French Pilot who fought the United Nations alone in Africa!
This is the story of a French pilot named Max, who, incredibly, waged his own one-man war against the United Nations!