Time to Put (White) Americans Back in Charge of America – My Comments


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[I've always viewed America as a white country. The 10% of blacks being merely incidental, and definitely no force for progress or strength. By my definition, which is valid from when I watched TV as a kid, only WHITES are the true Americans. Everyone else is just a low level useless parasite … and the Jewish parasite has been infiltrating the USA in large numbers since the 1880s. 

Whites need to fight to get their country back. Jan]

Dr. Chuck Baldwin is a radio broadcaster, syndicated columnist, and pastor dedicated to preserving the historic principles upon which America was founded.

Twice he was the Constitution Party’s nominee for President of the United States.

Members of the “right” and “alt-right” love to use terms such as “the establishment,” “Deep State,” “globalists,” etc., in describing freedom’s political enemies. And, yes, I often use those terms too. For the sake of brevity, I will refer to the above as simply “the ruling class.”

Seldom, however, do conservatives identify who actually comprises the ruling class. Typically when using those terms, conservatives are attacking Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and liberal Democrats in general.

While it is doubtlessly true that many liberal Democrats are pawns of the ruling class, so are many conservative Republicans. The ruling class monopolizes the philosophies, priorities and policies of both major parties in Washington, D.C.

The ruling class has mastered the phony left-right paradigm to perfection. The entire political debate in America centers on the left-right paradigm. If you are a Republican, Democrats are the enemy; if you are a Democrat, Republicans are the enemy. The entire political world revolves around this notion.

It’s all a game, a façade, a hoax.

Here’s how it works: When the ruling class wants to focus on building a socialist Welfare state, dismantling traditional cultural and religious norms and enacting gun control, it puts liberal Democrats in power. And when it wants to focus on building the Warfare State and creating foreign enemies for the purpose of expanding the “war on terror” and a global surveillance state, it puts conservative Republicans in charge.

And when it comes to accommodating the international bankers (translated: creating and increasing a debt-based economy), both Republicans and Democrats happily play along. The only difference in the economic policies of conservatives and liberals in D.C. is that liberals want to tax and spend, while conservatives want to borrow and spend. But both groups want to SPEND. Neither party cares a tinker’s dam about sound money principles or fiscal responsibility. That’s why no matter who the president is (including Donald Trump) or which party controls Congress (including Republicans), America’s national debt and deficit spending continue to spiral upward.

This also explains why, no matter who the president is (including Donald Trump), the same miscreants wind up in the president’s cabinet and administration. Donald Trump’s administration looks like Barack Obama’s. Obama’s administration looked like G.W. Bush’s. Bush’s looked like Bill Clinton’s, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

The president doesn’t pick his cabinet and administration officials; the ruling class picks them.

Members, former members and fellow travelers of the Local 12 of the Villains, Thieves and Scoundrels Union—otherwise known as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateral Commission (TC) and Bilderberg group—litter every presidential administration regardless of political party. Donald Trump is on a pace to surpass both G.W. Bush and Barack Obama in the number of CFR appointments, a mark he will undoubtedly surpass during his second term in office.

But the 800-pound gorilla in every backroom in Washington, D.C., is….that there are over 100 high-ranking members of the U.S. government (that we know about) who are foreign citizens.

How is this not treason?

How is what all of these Israel bought-and-paid-for American politicians are doing not treason? Most Americans are completely unaware (because the controlled media in America doesn’t tell them).

It’s time to put Americans back in charge of America.

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