There are TWO (or more) Vladimir Putins… Body Doubles…


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I’ve been following the storyline for a long time that there might be multiple body doubles for Putin.

The most convincing film footage I saw was when Putin apparently went to the front line in Ukraine. The Putin who went there looked visibly different in various ways to the real Putin.

But the funniest event occurred recently. Russian TV were showing Putin LIVE addressing officials in Government. But about 15 or so minutes later, while he was still on TV addressing the officials live, they then showed him, on another channel also LIVE putting flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier.

The actual time lines of these two Putins were checked from multiple sources and it was unquestionably that Putin was in two places at the same time.


The Russian state can and does lie.

We don’t know how many Putin body doubles there are. I have never believed in body doubles, but in studying Putin for some time, I am convinced he definitely has at least one or two body doubles.

The body doubles also don’t talk much. The real Putin talks, but the body doubles dont. So they do simple stuff like greeting people and shaking their hands, etc.

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