The White Right triggered JEW-Awareness … it’s spreading … and even Trump has HELPED IT!
V01: The 2nd Hitler: Dr Hendrik Verwoerd: Greatest White leader in the history of S.Africa
Dr Verwoerd is known as The Architect of Apartheid. He was a Christian, but also a closet NAZI. The Jews of South Africa hated him intensely.
[One of my American supporters wrote this to me. I think he's got some really good points here, especially the part where he mentions Trump's presence and above all that TRUMP SOWED DOUBT … that is triggering it. Now that the Jews and Elite are trying to destroy Trump, they're actually helping to FUEL THE DOUBT!!!! It's all good stuff!!! The FIRE that was started by the long suffering White Right is starting to BURN OUT OF CONTROL!!! I love it! White Revolution … IS COMING!!! Jan]
My supporter wrote:-
Jew awareness is increasingly accelerating, especially among former self-identifying, Euro-White descending, self-proclaimed, Judeo-Christians…, the once, but now crumbling, backbone of Jew usury. This backbone was largely built over millennia on a foundation of deceit, superstition, collusion and religious indoctrination.
Although we W.Nists were the first to light the fire against the Jews, Trump touched off a mainstream cascade of doubt that is about to be felt big time by the Jews.
Old Hagee type liars are losing their base, Minorities amongst all the Alphabet Fruit Loops are backing Trump, traditionally relied upon reasons for Jew wealth are being proven to be just more Jew lies…, so they need a new story to explain why they are entitled, rich and to be worshipped.
South Africa: Bobroffs: How two Jewish Lawyers stole millions from their 6,000 clients & fled SA!
The two Jews were fleecing their customers with false costs and were then cooking the books all the time. Then they fled SA!