The War on White men: Women rule the Western world – What’s with the Finnish PM?
Video: When young Julius Caesar was kidnapped by Pirates
This is the incredible story of the bravery and boldness and determination of the bad-assed man we know as the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar. This is what happened to him when he was a young man.
[I notice White women are ruling everywhere. I've watched for years how White women were pushed ahead of White men in SA in the filthy disgusting corporate world I was working in. There is a war on the White male. Most of these White women are communists or other Liberal scum that JEWS LOVE. If anyone knows more about the Finnish PM, then I'm interested. Note this proves Anders Breivik in NORWAY RIGHT! Anders Breivik said that he is fighting Feminism. And here you're seeing it. But, worse still, all these women, when you dig into their past you discover that they are mostly communist crap or some other kind of demented crap that Jews love. This story is about her being topless blah blah – things I don't care about. What I want to know is if she is some kind of Communist or Jew or some kind of anti-White Liberal shitbag that Jews put in power. That bitch who runs New Zealand is an anti-White communist. She's a cocaine user – which is VERY BAD NEWS. I'm not sure if she's into lesbian stuff, or whether she's some other kind of weirdo. Her behaviour sounds like she's a hippie. If she's a hippie type then maybe she's also a communist. I have established that her mother was a lesbian after she divorced her father. So there's some weirdo shit right there as well. Her partner is a man and she's had a daughter. I really don't like the use of heavy drugs. Cocaine is a big no no. So there's some kind of weird crap going on in Finland, and where are the White males? It seems to me the Scandinavian/Nordic Whites are totally dominated by their women and Liberalism. Jan]
Finnish PM apologizes for topless photo
Before the shot leaked, Sanna Marin had already fended off allegations of drug use and infidelity
Finnish PM apologizes for topless photo
Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin apologized on Tuesday after a photograph surfaced showing two topless female social media influencers kissing at her official residence in Helsinki. Videos of Marin’s hard-partying lifestyle have already caused controversy.
The photo, which surfaced this week, shows the two women kissing as they lift their tops to expose their breasts, with one holding a sign reading ‘Finland’ to cover herself.
Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, Marin confirmed that the picture had been taken at the prime minister’s official residence in Helsinki in July. Marin said that she had invited several guests back to the house after a music festival.
“In my opinion, the picture is not appropriate,” she said. “I apologize for it. That kind of a picture should not have been taken but otherwise, nothing extraordinary happened at the get-together.”
Marin has had to repeatedly downplay her partying as of late. Videos that leaked last week showed Marin and a gang of friends dancing in an apartment, with some describing themselves as the “flour gang” – a supposed reference to cocaine use.
Although Marin lamented the fact that the videos leaked, she denied acting inappropriately. “I have danced, sung, celebrated, did legal things,” she told reporters on Friday, adding that while she drank alcohol, she remained in suitable condition to “lead the country.” Marin took a “comprehensive” drug test on Friday, which came back clean on Monday.
Cocaine is usually undetectable by blood, saliva, or urine testing after three days.
As Marin explained away the first video, another surfaced showing her dancing in a nightclub with Finnish rock singer Olavi Uusivirta, who at one point appears to kiss her on the neck. Marin, who is married, said that “everyone needs a fun and relaxed evening out.”
The Social Democrat became the youngest prime minister ever elected in Finland in December 2019, and at the time was the world’s youngest head of state, aged 34. While her behavior in the leaked videos has been heavily criticized both nationally and internationally, she has also found support, with women in Finland and Denmark posting videos of themselves dancing, partying, and drinking “in solidarity.”
Video: JEWS102: The Jewish Strategy Of Lying
In this video I discuss the massive difference between White people who value the truth and built all of civilisation on this basis versus the Jews who are pathalogical liars.