THE WAR FOR THE SOUL OF AMERICA: (JEWS+Liberals+Blacks+Retards) Vs Whites)
Ted Pike did excellent work decades ago. I‘ve watched his videos.
There is an increasing war for the soul of America. What I mean by that, is that there is an internal struggle in America regarding WHAT DOES AMERICA STAND FOR? It really boils down to what did the Founding Fathers and earlier Americans see for America vs, basically, the Jewish+Liberal view. This struggle has been going on for a long time, and it’s gaining in intensity. It really came to the fore with the rise of Trump, though Trump himself is not a deep thinker. The Jews+Liberals see Trump as a THREAT to their vision – even though he’s not really pro-White. But they see him as a THREAT.
I think this shows how FRAGILE, how INSANELY FRAGILE Liberal-Diversity America really is. This is why the American elections since 2016, are starting to turn into wars. I’m watching this election with interest to see if the INTERNAL WAR IN AMERICA INTENSIFIES. I want to see WHITE AMERICA WINNING. America, by it’s original definition is a WHITE STATE – Whites dominated it, Whites ruled it. Whites killed Indians and dominated the continent. It seems to me Jews have, over the last 160 years been wangling their way into America and REDEFINING AMERICA.
Rewriting it’s history, redefining it’s values, dividing people and now America is 2 countries. The battle lines are drawn: Whites vs Jews+Liberals+Blacks+other human garbage. Of course, I want to see a TOTAL WHITE VICTORY AND NOTHING LESS. It is very possible. But I think this internal war is very important to watch and even to take part in, because THIS IS THE DEFINING WAR OF THE WESTERN WORLD. Whoever wins, will determine the future direction of THE WHOLE WESTERN WORLD. I regard the war inside America – the Political/Cultural values war AS THE MOST IMPORTANT WAR ON THE PLANET.
And I want to see White Americans coming out on top. I think this is a war that will still rage for years and decades. But the future of the ENTIRE EUROPEAN RACE will be determined by the extent to which White Americans can regain power.
White Shop: 20 x Stickers: Its OK To Be White
These are Glossy, high quality stickers. 3 inches by 5 inches. Pack of 20 stickers.