THE WAGNER COUP D’ETAT: Putin could be gone soon – MASSIVE EVENTS IN RUSSIA – My Full Analysis How this Started
Video: Heroes: The French Pilot who fought the United Nations alone in Africa!
This is the story of a French pilot named Max, who, incredibly, waged his own one-man war against the United Nations!
This is an analysis I wrote for a neighbour of mine who does not follow politics but she comes from Europe and she asked me to explain in simple words what is going on in Russia. Here is what I wrote:
PUTIN MIGHT BE FINISHED IN A MATTER OF HOURS OR DAYS: An incredible event has taken place in Russia and things are moving by the hour. Prigozhin is the commander of Wagner. Prigozhin is actually a Jew. His father and grandfather are Jews. He was a chef for Putin. Then Putin set him up in business and he became very rich. He then got Putin to allow him to create a Private Military/Mercenary Army called Wagner. Wagner is everywhere, even in Africa. When the Russian army was struggling in Ukraine, especially in a town called Bakhmut, Wagner did the best fighting there. But they lost lots of men – and LOTS of Russians have been dying in this war. Putin and the Government were telling enormous lies about how many men were being killed. Since I follow the war closely, daily, I noticed a few weeks ago that Prigozhin is beginning to tell the truth and he’s stirring up anger against the Russian Generals. There is a conflict between Prigozhin and some of the Russian Generals. There were many other issues including the Generals and Putin wanting to force Wagner to become a part of the Russian army. I discovered, that secretly Prigozhin might even be talking to Ukraine. And the evidence that someone else is helping him, is becoming clearer. The current stuff started a day ago. Prigozhin claimed that one of the Russian generals had fired a missile at one of the camps of Wagner. He put out video of it. So this was the "trigger" for what Prigozhin did next. He then did something incredible. He and his troops (many of which are even former convicts), launched an attack inside Russia to seize the province of Rostov. Rostov is the central region that controls the current Russian war. Prigozhin seized the whole province in 24 hours. But, Prigozhin has got support and I am sure there is more support than people realise. There are also 200,000 Jews in Russia, and Ukraine’s President Zelensky is a Jew too. So the Jews may be networking across borders and they may be helping Prigozhin. AND Prigozhin is now a HERO because of the fighting Wagner did because they fought BETTER than the Russian Army. So there is a lot of unhappiness in Russia, among the troops, the Police, etc. So when Prigozhin launched his attack, the Police let his troops through and OTHER RUSSIAN MILITARY UNITS INCLUDING ELITE UNITS ARE JOINING HIM. After he took Rostov, which is CRITICAL and could COLLAPSE THE RUSSIAN ARMY, he moved north to Voronhez. Which he seized. The last I heard is that Prigozhin and Wagner MIGHT BE IN MOSCOW RIGHT NOW. They may have smashed their way into Moscow. I hear Putin may have already fled on his plane. They’ve called in a guy called Kadyroz, who is a Chechen, to fight Wagner. I am certain Wagner will tear them to pieces. So it is possible that Wagner is RIGHT NOW FIGHTING INSIDE MOSCOW. And I think other Russian Elites plus Jewry plus Ukraine are helping. It looks like Putin is going to be overthrown. I think Prigozhin wants to become the ruler of Russia and Jewry will definitely support this. Whether this is possible on short order, I don’t know. But it does look as if Putin is going to be gone. His days are numbered. So this is a Coup D’Etat. And it’s moving fast, and the Russians are unhappy, and Prigozhin might easily get the loyalty of the entire Russian Army. So this is HUGE, and it’s wild. From a technical point of view that might interest you, there is a lot of fascinating technical stuff going on behind the scenes. The Russians used to be claimed to be great hackers. But the Ukrainians might be better and they might even have been taught by the US Military and by the Germans. There are weird signs that people are working and co-ordinating this stuff of Prigozhin. For example: There is another group of Russians who call themselves the "Free Russians". These are Russians who actually joined Ukraine. Several weeks ago, the "Free Russians" invaded Russia from Ukraine. This was stunning. They fought inside Russia for several weeks to the amazement of everyone. The "Free Russians" are UNQUESTIONABLY being controlled from Ukraine and armed and fed and supported by the Ukraine Government. But, by using these "Free Russians", Ukraine could invade Russia without breaking International Law. So they simply say: These are Russians who come from Russia and they are fighting for the Freedom of Russia. But in reality it is a Ukrainian invasion using Russians as proxies. This small army of Free Russians was INSANELY SUCCESSFUL. They held on to chunks of Russia around Belgorod, for WEEKS. It took the Russian army WEEKS to dislodge them! Then they returned to Ukraine. They are being supported internationally and they get donations. AND THEY ARE PREPARING TO ATTACK AGAIN! (Rest assure the Ukrainian Generals control their moves!). But let me return to proof of all kinds of collusion: The Free Russians said WEEKS AGO that THEY WILL CO-OPERATE WITH WAGNER!!!!! So clearly there is communication and linking going on there. Another BIZARRE SIGN that something is afoot is this. Prigozhin did a number of interviews and in each one, he attacked the Russian Generals for incompetence and even Putin himself. And in these videos he told more and more uncomfortable TRUTHS – which match what Ukraine and the West have been saying. He even explained WHY Russia invaded Ukraine. He said it was so that the Russian Elite could loot Ukraine! This is very probably true. Enormous gas and oil discoveries were made in Ukraine before the wars. ALL THESE WARS ARE VERY LIKELY LINKED TO GAS AND OIL AND NOTHING ELSE. So all this nonsense of Russians and Ukrainians – It’s all crap. The goal is BIG AMOUNTS OF MONEY. Plus, Ukraine has some excellent industry including military factories from Soviet times. So Prigozhin told the truth, and then they spread it on the Internet BUT, then what happened was the Russian Government wanted to stop the lies so they ordered all TV to NOT publish Prigozhin’s interview. You won’t believe what happened. Someone HACKED into Russian TV and they played Prigozhin’s interview. I have heard of Russian TV being HACKED BEFORE. I think the Ukrainians might have been hacking Russian TV. Things were so bad that Putin SHUT DOWN THE INTERNET. I have observed from the start of the war that Putin is so stupid that he is keeping the Internet on. That was so bad for him. Tens of thousands of Russians have DIED because Putin kept the Internet on. But who hacked Russian TV? I’m convinced it is the Ukrainians. So we might not know how many other things the Ukrainians have been hacking. The Ukrainians are VERY TECH SAVVY and they showed it from the first days of the war. They were VERY innovative. They were using the Internet from DAY ONE to hurt the Russians. They began using Drones to spy on Russian soldiers and they would tell their army where the Russians were. The Ukrainians are technically very clever. They monitor and listen into Russians talking to each other on phones in Russia. The Ukrainian Military Intelligence do that all the time. I think Prigozhin is doing this as part of a bigger plot against Putin. Even if he were to fail, he has enough troops and military power to fight out of Russia into Ukraine and to join the Free Russians. But it seems as if there is a very strong chance that Prigozhin will overthrow Putin and cause a change of Russian Government. This could be the end of Putin. EARLY IN THIS WAR, I noticed that American CIA people were talking about a CIVIL WAR IN RUSSIA. The CIA also wants Putin gone. The technology side of this war has been incredible. These events by Prigozhin could easily cause the Russian Army to collapse in Ukraine and for Ukraine to now seize the rest of the territory. HUGE THINGS COULD HAPPEN IN A MATTER OF DAYS. IT’S INCREDIBLE STUFF. It does seem as if the Russian Government could fall with very little bloodshed. I think Prigozhin wants to rule Russia. We’ll have to see how it goes. But this is ENORMOUS. And it will help the Ukrainians massively. This is a game changer. And it is moving fast BY THE HOUR.
2004: White separatism on the increase in S.Africa My Comments
Back in 2004 I posted this article about Orania with my comments. You‘ll see back then I was advocating secession and a White‘s only state.