The Simonini Letter — The First Evidence Connecting Jews, Freemasons & Illuminati To World Revolution
S.Africa: Animal sex: Black man arrested, goat dies
The Goats were screaming! Villagers at Ga-Ratisi in the Northern Province holding an all-night vigil arrested a naked man early on Sunday morning, who is believed to have committed bestiality with a goat which later died.
In 1806, after reading Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, a professional soldier from the Piedmont in northwest Italy named Jean-Baptiste Simonini felt compelled to write the author, a French Catholic priest named Augustin Barruel, to divulge his firsthand knowledge about the role the Jews played in the Freemasons and the Illuminati — and how this nexus of power orchestrated the French Revolution, and had plans to take over all of Europe.
It is clear that Barruel believed the letter and its contents to be authentic — despite the fact that he was never able to subsequently locate or contact Simonini, but researchers have confirmed that Simonini was exactly who he said he was and lived in Lilianes in the Aosta Valley. Barruel used his network of connections within the Church to make inquiries about Simonini in Piedmont — and was told that Simonini had a good reputation and could be trusted.
So convinced of the truth outlined in Simonini’s letter, Barruel felt compelled to write another book that included the Jewish hidden hand in world events — but on his death bed, he had misgivings about publishing it and asked that the manuscript be burned — and it was.
The original letter in Simonini’s hand has never been found — though some believe it still exists somewhere in the Vatican archive — a detail that many have used to desperately try to discredit or debunk it. Others have made the spurious claim that the Illuminati had “disbanded” prior to the French Revolution — transparent disinformation put out by the Freemasons themselves, as detailed by former Scottish Freemason John Robison in his landmark 1798 book, Proofs Of A Conspiracy.
An important aspect of Simonini’s letter is that he contends that the Jews in Piedmont approached him because he was a high-ranking military man who could be useful to them and their cause — and he admittedly let them believe that he was an orphan born into a Jewish family with strong natural affinities and sympathies to the Jewish nation — so that they would feel that they could trust him.
Historian Claus Oberhauser — who went to the Jesuit archives in Vanves outside of Paris — wrote, “I’ve seen a copy of [Barruel’s] book accompanied by notes written by him after 1806. At various points in these notes, Barruel wrote Simonini’s name over a passage about Jews and remarked that it was probably Jews who were pulling the strings.”
Despite being firmly convinced of the truth of the Simonini letter, Barruel chose not to publicize it — allegedly fearing that its revelations could incite widespread violence against the Jews. However, the fact that Barruel was a Jesuit probably had a greater influence over his decision to withhold the letter — after all, the Jesuit Order was founded by a converso Jew — Ignatius Loyola — and had attracted so many other conversos that the Order gained a reputation of being a “virtual synagogue.”
According to Oberhauser, Barruel did, in fact, send copies of Simonini’s letter to some of his Jesuit colleagues — along with a postscript explaining his opinion of the Jewish-Masonic-Illuminati conspiracy. As such, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to speculate that one — if not a number of — these Jesuits dissuaded Barruel from making the contents of the letter public. The Jesuits themselves had been infiltrated by Freemasons — a controversy that has plagued the Church for many centuries.
Given his extensive research, it was probably not lost on Barruel that the founder of the masonic Illuminati sect was Adam Weishaupt, who was an orphan born of Jewish ancestry but raised and schooled by Jesuits.
Despite all the evidence Barruel received from Simonini, he subsequently chose not to portray the Jews as the main conspirators of this secret cabal in the final manuscript that he was working on up until his death — and which he ultimately ordered destroyed. What made him back off portraying the Jews as the ultimate power behind the Freemasons and Illuminati? We will probably never know the answer, but surely it can be found within the circle of Jesuits to which he belonged.
The Simonini letter was finally published for the first time in 1878 — fifty-eight years after Barruel’s death — in a French magazine called Le Contemporain — and today, almost 140 years later, the letter has been virtually scrubbed from the internet — and finding an English translation is extremely difficult — proof that powerful people do not want this letter read, circulated, or given an credence.
So here we present our own English translation of the “The Simonini Letter” — based on the French copy published by Le Contemporain in 1878. We do not contend that our translation is perfect, but we have done our best to represent the contents of the original without embellishment, and we would encourage any of our many French-speaking readers — who are obviously more adept in translation — to submit any corrections to improve our text.
The Simonini Letter
It is only a few months since, fortuitously, I was fortunate enough to learn of your excellent work, entitled: Mémoires des Jacobins. I read it, or rather I devoured it with real pleasure, and I derived from it the greatest advantages and the greatest lights for my own conduct, all the more so as I found an infinite number of exact depictions of it. things of which I have been, in the course of my life, an eyewitness without fully understanding them. Receive, then, Sir, from an ignorant military man like myself, the most sincere congratulations on your work, which may rightly be called the quintessential work of the last century. Oh! How well you have unmasked these inflamed sects which prepare the way for the Antichrist and are the implacable enemies, not only of the Christian religion, but of all worship, of all society, of all orders!
There is, however, one that you see touched only lightly. Perhaps you did it on purpose, because it is the best known and consequently the least to be feared. But, in my opinion, it is the most formidable power today, considering its great wealth and the protection it enjoys in almost every state in Europe. You understand, Sir, that I am talking about the Judaic sect. It seems entirely separate and an enemy of other sects, but really it is not. Indeed, it is sufficient that one of these shows itself to be an enemy of the Christian name, for it to favor it, bribe it and propagate it. And haven’t we seen her — haven’t we yet seen her lavish her gold and and her silver to support and multiply the modern sophist, the Freemasons, the Jacobins, the illuminati? The Jews, therefore, along with all the other sectarians, form a single faction to annihilate, if possible, the Christian name.
And do not think, Sir, that all of this is an exaggeration on my part: I am putting forward nothing other than what was told to me by the Jews themselves, and here is how.
While Piedmont, of which I am a native, was in revolution, I had occasion to frequent them and to be brought into their confidence. They were the first to look for me; and I, as I was then unscrupulous, I pretended to strike up a close friendship with them, and I succeeded in telling them, begging them with the most rigorous secrecy, that I was born in Leghorn from a happy family. but that as a still very little boy I had been brought up by I do not know who; that I did not even know if I was baptized and that, although publicly I lived and behaved like the Catholics, but inwardly, however I thought like those of my nation, for which I had always kept a tender and secret love. So they made me the biggest offers and gave me all their trust. They promised to make me a general if I wanted to join the sect of Freemasons. They will show me the sums of gold and silver they intended, they told me, for those who embraced their party, and absolutely wanted to present to me three weapons, decorated with signs of Freemasonry, that I I agreed so as not to dissuade them and to encourage them more and more to tell me their secrets. Here is what the principal and richest Jews of Turin communicated to me on several occasions.
- That Manete (in French Manes) and the infamous old man or old man of the mountain had come out of their (Jewish) nation.
That the Freemasons and the Illuminati had been founded have escaped memory.
That in a word, from them all the anti-Christian sects drew their origin, which were now so numerous in the world that they reached several million people of all sexes, of all states, of all ranks, of any condition.
That, in our Italy alone, they had as supporters more than eight ecclesiastics, both secular and regular, among whom many curates, public professors, prelates, a few bishops and a few cardinals; and that soon they did not despair of having a pope from their party. (Assuming, the letter continues, that he was a schismatic, the thing becomes probable.)
That likewise in Spain, they had a great number of partisans, even in the clergy, although in this kingdom the accursed Inquisition was still in force.
That the Bourbons family was their greatest enemy; that in a few years they hoped to destroy it.
That the better to deceive Christians they themselves pretended to be Christians, traveling and passing from one aisle to another with false baptismal certificates, which they bought from certain stingy and corrupt curates.
That they hoped by means of money and cabals to obtain civil status [emancipation] from all governments, as has already happened to them in several countries.
That having the rights of citizens like all the others, they would buy houses and lands as much as they could and that by means of usury they would soon succeed in stripping Christians of their property and their treasures. (This is beginning to be true in Tuscany, where the Jews exert the most exorbitant usury with impunity and make immense and continual acquisitions both in the countryside and in the towns.)
That consequently they promised themselves, in less than a century, to be the masters of the world, to abolish all the other sects to make theirs reign; to make so many synagogues out of the churches of the Christians, and to reduce the remainder of these to true slavery.
These, Sir, are the treacherous plans of the Jewish nation, which I have heard with my own ears. Undoubtedly it is impossible that they can perform them all, because they are contrary to the infallible promises of Jesus Christ to his Church and to the various prophecies which clearly announce that this ungrateful and obstinate people must remain wandering and vagabond, in contempt and slavery, until he recognizes the true Messiah whom he crucified, and in the End Times consoles the Church by embracing the faith.
However, they can do a lot of harm, if governments continue to favor them, as they have done for many years. It would therefore be good to wish that an energetic and superior pen like yours made the aforementioned governments open their eyes and instructed them to make this people return to the abject position due to them, and in which our fathers, more political and judicious than we, always took care to keep them.
What is it, Sir, I invite you to see what makes me different from others, and beg you to forgive — an Italian, a soldier — the errors of all kinds that you will find in this letter. I desire for you from the hand of God the greatest reward for all the luminous writings with which you have enriched his Church and which breathe for those who read them the highest esteem and the deepest respect in which I have the honor of to be, Sir, your very humble and obedient servant.
Jean-Baptiste Simonini
P.S. If in this country I can oblige you in anything, and if you need further insight into the contents of this present, let me know and you will be fully obeyed.
Video & Audio: S.Africas 2nd Last (Boer) President: PW Bothas Last Public Interview (2006)
PW Botha is a Boer who became the 2nd last President under Apartheid. He was the man most responsible for the immense, first class military force known as the SADF. The SADF was the most powerful military force in all of Africa.