The Rockefellers’ Alliance with the Judeo-British London Bankers
Video: 1725: A Small band of brave Dutchmen are attacked in a Black Empire in S.Africa
Let us devour the White people shouted the hundreds of Blacks as they attacked 30 Dutch soldiers and sailors! This is a little known story of the Dutch on the East Coast of Africa.
[The reader who sent me this also said: "Jews are everywhere there is money to be stolen". I couldn't have said it better!! Jan]
“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” — CFR Chairman David Rockefeller in “Memoirs” (2002)
Neuwied is the Rhineland Palatine native town of the German paternal ancestors of John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937), tracing back to the 16th century as possible French Huguenot refugees. The line of his father, one Johann Peter Rockefeller (1681-1763), emigrated to the North American colonies, arriving in New York in 1710. That year, there was a massive immigration of nearly 2,800 Palatine-Germans refugees, whose transportation costs from London to the New World were covered by Queen Anne’s British government.
The primary Rockefeller actors, John D. and William, were sons of con artist William Avery Rockefeller, Sr. (1810—1906), who we would suggest was more connected than is generally disclosed in conventional narratives.
Somehow John D. Rockefeller began his monopolistic oil business in the 1860s with British capital. Samuel Clark and Maurice Andrew — the original partners of Rockefeller — were his liaisons with the Bank of England.
The family’s relationship to the British-Judeo Empire was centered around John D.’s brother, William Rockefeller. William was president of Standard Oil of New York (later Mobil) and the founder of National City Bank (later Citibank).
By 1882, Standard Oil controlled over 90% of America’s refineries. PHOTO: via
Once the Rockefeller monopolies and wealth was secured, the Jewish banking firm Kuhn-Loeb headed by Rothschild minion Jacob Schiff (1847–1920) acted as the leading investment house for John D. Rockefeller through the guidance of his investment adviser Frederick T. Gates.
And yes none other than Snopes writes that Frederick T Gates and Bill Gates are related:
“My research indicates that that son is likely the William Henry Gates who went west in 1888 who would be Bill Gates’ Great Grandfather, which would actually make Frederick Gates and Bill Gates cousins.
Rockefeller invested in many syndicates with the bank, including major stakes in the prominent railroad companies, as well as contributing to its consolidation of the Chicago meat packers, which resulted in the formation of a leading trust. Overseas ventures that Rockefeller also got involved with included the bank’s loans to the Chinese and Imperial Japanese governments.
Kuhn-Loeb also joined a partnership with Rockefeller in 1911 to gain control of the Equitable Trust Company, which was later to merge and become Chase Bank.
In its early years, intermarriage among the German-Jewish elite was common. Consequently, the partners of Kuhn and Loeb were closely related by blood and marriage to the partners of J & W Seligman, Speyer & Co., Goldman, Sachs & Co., Lehman Brothers and other prominent German-Jewish firms.
Famous partners of the firm included Otto Kahn, Paul Warburg, Felix Warburg, Mortimer Schiff, Benjamin Buttenwieser, Lewis Strauss, and Sigmund Warburg, founder of S.G. Warburg.
Establishing the Monopolistic Foundations
Once the Judeo-British-financed Rockefeller fortune was made, certain made-men members of the tax-exempt foundation “syndicate” arrived to “help” Rockefeller with his expected controlled foundation work.
These were a pair of Yale secret society Skull & Bones operators, Daniel Coit Gilman (1831-1909) and his sidekick Andrew Dickson White (1832-1918). Gilman had incorporated the Peabody Fund and the John Slater Fund and became an incorporator of the General Education Board (now the Rockefeller Foundation).
George Peabody, the endower of the fund that bore his name, “somehow” was one of the few financiers to come up with ample funds (from the City of London Crime Syndicate) during the contrived 1857 financial panic. Daniel Coit Gilman also incorporated the Russell Sage Foundation with Cleveland H. Dodge of the Rockefeller-controlled National City Bank.
Gilman, who also incorporated the Russell Trust in 1856, later became an incorporator of the Carnegie Institution and various Frederic A. Delano (1863-1953) endowments. Delano (the uncle of the sketchy Frankin D. Roosevelt) specifically endowed the Brookings Institution and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Rockefeller Foundation gifted an obstetrics hospital and residence to London’s Maternity College in 1923. Today, it’s simply The Rockefeller Building.
The fortunes of Russell and Delano (through his grandfather Warren) were largely made in the lucrative Chinese criminal enterprise opium trade, which in turn was very much a Judeo-British business open only to made men in the larger Crime Syndicate. Frederic Delano, a railroad magnate, went on to hold the position of vice chairman of the Federal Reserve Board from 1914 to 1918.
Precursor To The Global Crime Syndicate: The 19th-Century Opium Trade
The Foundation and Development of British-Judeo Bankster Money Power
UK PM David Cameron’s Great Grandfathers Were Rothschild-Connected Bankers Who Financed Russo-Japanese War
All of the incorporators of these foundations were closely linked with the Federal Reserve system, the War Industries Board of World War I, the OSS of World War II and the CIA. The foundations themselves functioned as monopolist organizations that consolidated and centralized control over the winners (often fellow Crime Syndicate types) and losers across a sphere of American and British influence.
Frederick Taylor Gates (1847–1920) was instrumental with conspiring with the other controlled foundations to control events. The made men anointed by these Crime Syndicate foundations are too numerable to mention, but we have covered some key ones on our pages. In general they made big money in drugs and smuggling, picking up the pieces of the regular contrived and predatory financial panics of 1837, 1857, 1873, 1893, and 1907- 1929, 2008 and organized monopolistic schemes and operations. The 2020-21 Plandemic is straight out of this playbook.
Read: John Jacob Astor: Freemason, Intel Operative and Made Man
Made Man and Agent August Belmont and the Panic of 1837
Gates was relatively tame compared to the later-captured projects of the Rockefeller Foundation. It awarded a significant grant in 1947 that facilitated the creation of the Tavistock Institute or Human Relations. This globally active British Institute has had its hands in just about every social, political and governmental movement of note throughout much of the world for the past 75 years.
Read The Tavistock Method of Brainwashing and Social Psychiatry
One of the principal but little-known operations of the Rockefeller Foundation has been its techniques for controlling world agriculture. Its director, Kenneth Wernimont, set up Rockefeller-controlled agricultural programs throughout Mexico and Latin America. The independent farmer is a great threat to the New Underworld Order, because he produces for himself, and because his produce can be converted into capital, which gives him independence.
Brother William Rockefeller (1841-1922) was involved in the standard trust-market manipulations, or cornering. From 1912 to 1913, the Pujo Committee investigated Rockefeller and others for cornering the copper market and “synchronizing with artificially enforced activity” in Amalgamated Copper stock in the New York Stock Exchange.
Like all the Rockefellers, William’s son, William, Jr., married strategically into the Stillman family. Jr. married Sarah Elizabeth “Elsie” Stillman (1872–1935), the daughter of James Stillman (1850-1918). A second daughter, Isabel Goodrich Stillman (1876–1935), married Percy Avery Rockefeller (1878—1934) in 1901. Percy was another son of William Rockefeller.
James’ father was Don Carlos Stillman, a British agent who made a fortune blockade-running in Texas during the Civil War and parlayed that into banking. Even prior to the familial marriage alliance, Jacob Schiff, William Rockefeller and James Stillman (1850-1918) controlled the most important Texas railroads. Rockefeller clan ally James Stillman become one of the largest Federal Reserve Bank shareholders through his 20 percent stake in the Rockefeller’s National City Bank (the future Citibank).
The second largest purchaser of Federal Reserve Bank of New York shares in 1914, First National Bank, was generally known as “the Morgan Bank.” The third-largest purchase of Federal Reserve Bank of New York stock in 1914 was the National Bank of Commerce, which issued 250,000 shares – owned by J.P. Morgan, through his controlling interest in Equitable Life — which held 24,700 shares and Mutual Life, which held 17,294 shares of National Bank of Commerce — also held another 10,000 shares of National Bank of Commerce through J.P. Morgan and Company (7,800 shares).
Morgan Grenfell is the dominant London branch of the House of Morgan. All these entities are interlocking and have numerous hidden fronts for the real owners.
Matthew Josephson’s “The Robber Barons” reveals that Morgan dominated New York Life, Equitable Life and Mutual Life by 1900. It had $1 billion (in year 1900 dollars) in assets.
Josephson writes:
“In this campaign of secret alliances he (Morgan) acquired direct control of the National Bank of Commerce; then a part ownership in the First National Bank, allying himself to the very strong and conservative financier, George F. Baker, who headed it; then by means of stock ownership and interlocking directorates he linked to the first named banks other leading banks, the Hanover, the Liberty, and Chase.”
In 1911, William Rockefeller employed — in a private capacity through his elite social club — a high-ranking British secret intelligence service officer named Claude Dansey.
Dansey personally reorganized the U.S. Army intelligence service into an adjunct of the British Secret Service. Dansey’s loyal U.S. henchman, Gen. Marlborough Churchill (a distant relative of Britain’s Winston Churchill), soon became director of U.S. military intelligence.
After World War I, Gen. Churchill headed up the “Black Chamber,” a New York-based espionage group serving the U.S. State Department, the U.S. Army and private New York financiers loyal to Great Britain. This same Gen. Churchill would soon launch a medical research organization, the Joshua Macy (Jewish) Foundation, for the Rockefellers and British intelligence.
Canadian Sir William Stephenson coordinated a large covert British espionage (British Security Coordination) in the U.S. prior to and during WWII. Stephenson — whose code name was “Intrepid” — had 2 entire floors at 630 5th Ave Rockefeller Building. There were 2,000 British agents in place at Rockefeller Plaza in New York City. His assistant was Royal Navy Commander Ian Fleming [Stevenson, “A Man Called Intrepid,” p. 271].
White Shop: Tigers in the Mud: The Combat Career of German Panzer Commander Otto Carius
He was physically small and often underestimated, but once he took command of his first Tiger he found his calling and worked his way up the chain of command from a lowly loader to company leader. His exploits on the Ost Front became semi-legendary, but unlike some of his more famous fellow Tiger aces (Wittman, von Strachwitz), he survived to tell the tale first-hand.