The Odd Similarities Between Parasite Beetles Which Invade Beehives, and Jews
New Nation News
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[When it comes to animal comparisons, these are all valid. Jan]
Christians believe that God created the world, and that He created animals to teach men eternal truths, as well as to feed them. A lesson about Christian nations can be learned from the honey bee and the small hive beetle.
Honey bees, as nearly everyone knows, are colonial insects that are extremely diligent in collecting nectar and pollen to make honey which they store as honeycomb in their nests.
Small hive beetles are native to Africa, and though they are black in color, their appearance and behavior is more akin to a small black yarmulke which is about ¼ the size of a honey bee. Small hive beetles parasitize honey bee colonies.
While adult small hive beetles do not eat honey bees or their brood, they do feed themselves on the work of the bees, and attempt to lay their eggs in the brood nest of the bees.
Small hive beetles fly at night, attracted by the smell of a bee hive. Finding one, they attempt to sneak in under cover of darkness. Darting past the guard bees at the entrance, they get inside and look for a place to hide.
Once inside the hive, the bees recognize the beetles as foreign and attempt to remove them. However, the beetle shells are too thick to be stung. So at most the bees can grab them with their mandibles and cast them out of the hive. This is easier said than done, as the beetles retreat to any cracks inside the beehive that the bees cannot fit into.
Beekeepers refer to such cracks as “beetle jails” and the bees guarding them as the “jailers.”
One would think such beetles would starve to death once herded into a beetle jail, but that would be mistaken. Honey bees are communal animals. They all have a diligent work ethic to collect and store resources like capitalists. However, bees also have a social instinct like socialists. A hungry bee signals its need for food by stroking the face of another bee with its antennae. The other bee will regurgitate some honey from its second honey stomach, thus feeding the hungry neighbor.
Unlike the honey bees which both work to collect resources and share them with hungry bees, the small hive beetle has learned to stroke the face of its jailers with its antennae, triggering the feeding response. Thus beetles can survive indefinitely in beetle jails by asking their jailers for food.
The jailed beetles are merely waiting for a distraction to give them an opportunity to lay eggs on the brood nest of the bees. When a beekeeper opens the lid of the hive to inspect it, this gives the beetles the opportunity. They lay eggs on the brood comb of the bees. The brood comb is where the queen bee laid her eggs, and the worker bees feed and tend the baby bee larvae.
When the beetle larvae hatch they are white like the bee larvae. But they do not wait to be fed by the worker bees. They immediately begin crawling around eating the bee larvae, their food, and the honey. When the beetle larvae defecate, they excrete slime and bacteria. The bacteria ferment the honey, making it poisonous to bees, but perfect for beetles.
A typical bee hive in Africa has a few small hive beetles and larvae. However the African bees are very diligent in removing them from the hive.
When the small hive beetle was accidentally introduced to the USA and to Europe, the European honey bees were easily overtaken by them. The problem is that European honey bees are excessively tolerant to small hive beetles.
Once the small hive beetle has completely taken over, the honey bees are forced to abscond from the hive and start a new colony somewhere else. The honey has been poisoned, the brood has been eaten, and all the combs are covered in stinky beetle slime.
The lesson that we can learn from the small hive beetle is that a certain tribe, whose hats look like small black beetle shells, attempts to get into white countries and lay their eggs in the minds of our children. They do this by controlling the educational system, media, and film industries.
The adults of this species do not kill their hosts outright. But their control over the thinking of the next generation does eventually kill the host. Unlike the worker bees who work hard to collect and share resources with those in need, the human small hive beetles specialize in extracting the labor of others by schemes to create fiat money on the books of banks and charging interest for the privilege of borrowing that non-existent money.
The end result of the human small hive beetles is very similar to the result of the insect species taking over a bee hive. The brood nest is covered in slime, the offspring of the host are eaten, and everything stinks.
If Christian countries are to learn from their past mistakes, it would be that small hive beetles must be cast out of the hive or else the hive will face certain collapse in the future.
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