The Massive Jewish Theft of German Inventions – The Jewish plagiarist Einstein
VIDEO: BIG RUSSIAN LIES: How many Russians have died in the Ukraine war?
Putin and the Russian Government tell insane lies about how many Russian troops have died. In this comprehensive article and this short BBC video you will see the best estimates I can give based on all the data I have seen about how many Russian and Ukrainian Troops have actually been KILLED up to 16th June 2023.
This is from a communication with someone who was talking about the Jew Einstein and who was so sick of him.
I added: … I am so sick of hearing about fake Jewish intelligence and the great Jewish Genius Einstein. He was a white hating communist, a plagiarist. He stole other people’s ideas. He did not even have the knowledge to do the proper calculations for years after he stole the original ideas. I am so sick of hearing about him, when everything was done by our European people. As for the Germans. Their knowledge, their inventions, their patents have been stolen from them since WW1. All their work has been stolen right from them again and again. Jewish fortunes are built on the back of fabulous German and other European work. It makes me sick.
Video: S.Africa: SECESSION: The ONLY HOPE for Whites: My discussion with a Lawyer
Secession, secession, secession! This is the JET AIRCRAFT to Freedom for Whites in South Africa. Nothing else has the potential of this concept. Youll understand why I think this is the most awesome thing that anyone in South Africa can do. In this video youll hear a detailed discussion with my attorney who did a lot of legal work on secession along with other attorneys.