The Madness gets worse: Catholic Church goes full Apostasy as 100 Churches in Germany Give Blessing to Homosexual Marriages
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Catholic churches around Germany were offering blessings for gay couples on Monday in a protest against the Vatican’s refusal to approve same-sex partnerships.
More than 100 churches around the country have signed up to host services under the motto “love wins” on or around May 10th in the scheme initiated by priests, deacons and volunteers.
At the services, all couples will be invited to be blessed – regardless of sexual orientation.
“We raise our voices and say: We will continue to stand by people who commit themselves to a binding partnership and bless their relationship,” said a statement on the initiative’s website.
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), the powerful Vatican office responsible for defending church doctrine, handed down a ruling in March that same-sex unions could not be blessed despite their “positive elements”.
The office wrote that while God “never ceases to bless each of His pilgrim children in this world… he does not and cannot bless sin”.
These churches and priests are not going to be excommunicated by Vatican for breaking the rules, instead you will see that in the near future Vatican will declare itself in favor of homosexual marriages.
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