The Lying (((Mass Media))): Always have a trick up their sleeves…
Video & Audio: The World God created Lessons from Nature for Whites
Here we take a look at nature and what nature is actually like. What is the natural world like and how does it match up with the types of things that Christians believe? How do whites, even white Christians, view the world and nature?
Something weird I’ve now seen TWICE… are news articles that refer to, and use the very cumbersome term "Flag Officers". What is a FLAG OFFICER? Do you know? How many times in your life have you heard it? Until recent months … I’ve NEVER HEARD THE TERM.
But guess what … flag officers can be Generals and Admirals.
So flag officers can be extremely high ranking men.
I suspect that the lying (((mass media))) don’t want to openly state that GENERALS and ADMIRALS are saying nasty things that undermine the Liberals or assorted anti-White scum. So instead they try to avoid the obvious, and powerful words that everyone understands like General and Admiral … and instead they hide it with the more obscure term Flag Officer.
If you hear that a General or Admiral has expressed a view, then you know that is someone who had great authority and experience. And if what they’re saying is not good for Liberals or Democrats … then it’s best to bury it in the term: "Flag Officer".
Jews are at work my friends … Jews … this is how Jews think.
2005: UN: Africa needs $1-billion a year for Aids orphans
AIDS was killing so many Blacks that one in ten children were orphaned. Of course Whites are expected to bail them out and to keep these ungrateful worthless people alive.