The Jews Teaching Our Kids: Guide to “Anal Sex” for 11-year-olds
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[This is a bit of an old article but as relevant as ever. Jan]
ADVANCE Publications is a print media conglomerate that owns most of the local newspapers in most of the mid-sized towns within the United States. It owns, for example, both the Huntsville Times and the Birmingham Post-Herald, in Alabama. There’s a good chance that it also owns or controls the content published by the newspaper in your home town.
And it is owned by Jews. Founded in 1922 by Samuel Newhouse, Sr., it is today owned by his sons, Samuel (Jr.) and Donald Newhouse. Not only do these Jews control much of the medium-sized press in the United States, they also produce magazines that promote leftist politics and race-mixing propaganda.
One of these magazines is Teen Vogue, a quarterly marketed through publisher Condé Nast to “tween” and teenage girls. Although once it was primarily a fashion magazine, in recent years it has become a mechanism for corrupting and sexualizing American children. Now they are promoting anal “sex” to their innocent readers.
Here’s a digest of media reports on the furor caused by the article:
A TEENAGE mag has been attacked for publishing a “guide to anal sex.”
Teen Vogue’s story is titled “Anal Sex: What You Need to Know” which spells out to its young audience “everything you need to know about butt stuff.”
It has been met with fury among some parents as well as commentators who dubbed it a “piece of trash”.
Mum-of-ten Elizabeth Johnson, who runs a blog called The Activist Mommy, filmed herself ripping up a copy of the mag and throwing it on a bonfire. “They are teaching children 11 through 17 how to be safely sodomised,” she said.
Her video has been viewed more than 50,000 times, while the magazine’s digital editor said they had been “inundated” with angry emails.
But Teen Vogue staff have defended the decision to publish the guide, which they said ran as part of a series of articles “promoting safe sexual health.” And they said that criticism of the piece is based on “bigotry” and “homophobia.”
Writer Gigi Engle, who penned the piece, told the Daily Mail: “I’d only say that as a writer and an educator, I have no intention of ever discontinuing my mission to help young people better understand their bodies and how they work.”
Part of the article, which includes detailed anatomical diagrams, reads: “Obviously there is a lot of stuff on the Internet about anal (we don’t suggest you Google it), but most of what you’ll find is either porn or advice for experienced sexual persons looking to try something new. What about the teenagers? What about the LGBTQ young people who need to know about this for their sexual health? I have got you covered.”
Defending the article in a series of Twitter messages, Teen Vogue digital editor Phillip Picardi [a homosexual] said: “We published a 411 on Anal Sex story @TeenVogue as a continued part of our sex education coverage. I monitor the webmaster email and have been inundated with hate mail saying we promote sodomy and want teens to get AIDS.”
Picardi, who Mrs Johnson dubbed a “sexual deviant”, went on to write: “The backlash to this article is rooted in homophobia. It’s also laced in arcane delusion about what it means to be a young person today.”
The magazine also offers its 11-to-17 audience of mostly White children articles promoting homosexual sex, “gender fluidity,” and instructions on masturbation.
Video: DWUMS: Defenseless White Urban Males & Learned White Helplessness
I discuss Whites who are out of their depth and helpless when they realise with horror the truth about Liberalism and Capitalism. I also talk about how Whites are caught up in fake problems that are the result of having so many moral factors that they need to take into account. Even here in South Africa we have helpless urban Whites who get flustered over nothing.