The Jews out to destroy Tucker Carlson: My Comments – He stood up for White South Africa
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[Tucker Carlson had the balls to make some points about white South Africans and what the hideous black communist scum over here are up to. So now I see some “nice Jewish girl” … yeah yeah … you Jewish filth … has “discovered” some recordings, with which to damage him. There you go … Jews at work. Clearly they have an agenda against this man. His career may yet be on the line. Jews don't like the truth … least of all out of the mouth of a white man. Jan]
Audio tapes from Tucker Carlson’s past were discovered by Madeline Peltz, who has Jewish and Detroit roots.
Featured photo courtesy Madeline Peltz
By Allison Jacobs
Madeline Peltz isn’t your average 24-year-old living in Washington D.C. The young Media Matters for America researcher made a name for herself this past week when she dug up shocking audio clips from Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s past.
Peltz listened to hours of footage from host Bubba the Love Sponge’s radio show between 2006 and 2011, according to the Washington Post. While Carlson was a guest on the show, he repeatedly degraded women, insulted Muslims and credited white men for “creating civilization.”
Peltz not only found the tapes, but outlined evidence over the past decade of Carlson’s insulting remarks in her Media Matters report, part of an ongoing investigation against Fox News. Peltz, who grew up in Chicago and went to Oberlin College, has both Jewish and Detroit roots. Her maternal grandfather, the late Bernard Goldman, grew up in Detroit and attended Central High School.
In the report, Peltz emphasized Carlson’s growing following of neo-Nazis, who once referred to him as “a one-man gas chamber.”
Media Matters’ decision to release these audio clips caused a flurry of enraged comments from both Carlson and his fan base last week.
The discovery sparked a protest in front of Fox News headquarters in New York last week, where Peltz joined crowds in solidarity as they waved signs and chanted in opposition to Carlson’s toxic rhetoric.
In an interview with the Detroit Jewish News, Peltz says she has received misogynistic, anti-Semitic messages from Carlson fans and right-wing spokespeople on social media. While she says this isn’t the first time she has received hateful comments, she’s determined to stand her ground.
“I am not afraid because I know that the fight against global anti-Semitism isn’t about the individual. It’s a pernicious lie slandering Jews of all practices and colors,” Peltz says. “The fight against it requires us to stand in solidarity with all marginalized communities, including Muslims, Palestinians, queer and gender non-conforming and black and brown people.”
In the midst of an outcry from Carlson’s supporters, Peltz has quickly become an inspiration to people who stand with her against racism, sexism and homophobia.
“I’ve gotten way more positive messages than hateful, which shows that Tucker Carlson’s bigotry is both extreme and overwhelmingly unpopular,” Peltz says. “It’s also illustrative that in order to defend him, Tucker’s supporters must resort to anti-Semitism, misogyny and calling me fat.”
Carlson has complained that he’s a victim of bullying, but in this case, the “bully” is a 24 year-old who happens to be internet-savvy.
Video & Audio: The Jews are turning BLUE thanks to St Dylann Roof!
Why are there now photos of people appearing with Blue faces? Whites are getting better and better at communicating with each other, despite every attempt by the Jews to prevent us spreading information.