The Jewish Hag Witch: BARBARA SPECTRE IS BACK, with Rothschild (Video)


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[The Jewish scum have been gathering. The anti-white Jewish hag, Spectre is back. I've not studied this in detail yet. What are the filthy Jews plotting, and the disgusting Rothschild scum are there as well. What anti-white shit are these Jewish pieces of garbage plotting now? Jan]

by Red Ice · Published September 12, 2019 · Updated September 12, 2019


Replacement activist and former head of Paideia, Barbara Spectre resurface in Israel for a conference called “Our Common Destiny” together with Jacob Rothschild and Israel’s president, in an effort to “achieve a unified vision for global Jewry.” What exactly is this event about and why do they invite a hateful individual like Barbara Spectre?

You can view the video here:

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