The Jew scum have been harrassing White Website owners – I found the disappearing Danes!
Nation Revisited
This is a website run by an excellent British man that I know who is a true racialist. He puts out good, solid content.
The above cartoon is a good depiction of what the Jew scum are doing to whites world wide. However, what they’re doing is more than just drowning us out. They’re using every dirty trick in the book including having whites thrown in jail.
I’ve found the Danish National Socialists whom I thought had disappeared. They contacted me. But I was right in being concerned because it turns out they had been changing their email addresses. I was told that the owner of O-D-I-N had the Jews on his case. The Jews were busy harrassing him.
The Christian, Scottie Spencer of was sent legal threats by the Jews and he’s shut his website down. So he’s had to back down because of the intensity of the Jewish attacks on him.
I think Scottie lives in the USA. But even so he’s been shut up.
The Jew scum are busy trying to silence whites everywhere…
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