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Video & Audio: The Big Battle: How White Rhodesians relearned warfare the Ancient Greek way
Modern Western War is really a direct offshoot of the intensive, decisive, quick battles that the Ancient Greeks waged among themselves.

The "war" that is getting far too much attention is the stupid Israeli crybaby war with Hamas. That war is dominating the headlines out of all proportion to reality. It is hideous that America has sent aircraft carriers there.

An American aircraft carrier never sails alone. It is surrounded by an entire fleet of sophisticated ships.

It costs $1.5 million to run an aircraft carrier for one day. But the battle group that goes with it costs about $7 million per day. I think there are 2 carriers that have gone to the Middle East. So if they hang around there for say 3 months, it will cost the US taxpayer about $1.5 billion! That excludes the costs of combat and ammunition.

The entire crybaby scenario about Hamas is ridiculous and gets too much attention.

It is very possible that Israel knew Hamas was going to attack and that Israel stood down it’s own military so that Jews could be killed so that they could then run around screeching to high heaven.

There is no way that Hamas could actually defeat Israel. There is no way that Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran can conquer the Jews. The Jews have insane amounts of super sophisticated US weaponry.

The Jews probably cried for the carrier fleets so that Americans could go and just kill any Arabs, especially Iranians.

The Jews, especially that evil fiend, Netanyahu, who is behind 911, are yet again just trying to scam Christians. That filthy Netanyahu, was even quoting the Bible. He spoke of Amalek. But Amalek was an enemy of the Jews – and Amalek can be anyone that the Jews don’t like. I think these Jews are just trying to play the Christians and make the Christians think Armageddon is around the corner and they will just milk Christians, especially Zionist Christians for all they’re worth.

I must tell you that there is no real threat to Israel except for Egypt and Iran. Iran is too far away to actually invade Israel ever. Their best people are Hezbollah who number 100,000. They are the best of the Arabs, but they could never conquer Israel.

According to Peter Zeihan, America literally PAYS Egypt and Israel to NOT FIGHT EACH OTHER. Egypt is really the only nation that could fight the Jews and in 1973 they caught the Jews off guard with a brilliant deception on a grander scale than this recent Hamas attack. In 1973, in the Yom Kippur War, the Egyptians pulled off a brilliant military deception and caught the Jews off guard and were popping them.

The Jew Kissinger intervened and American weapons, etc saved the worthless Jews.

Hamas’s main advantage is that they have worked more than a decade to build about 300 Km of concrete tunnels under Gaza.

So far about 24 IDF Jews have died in the fighting. This is nothing. This is not a war. But the Jews keep screeching about this being a war and this being an existential threat to the fake nation called Israel (which never existed in the past by the way).

I think even the military analysts on mainstream TV struggle to find a way to discuss this ridiculous stuff as if it is some kind of existential war. There is almost nothing to discuss.

Gaza is basically a city of Arabs that is surrounded and under siege like an ancient castle. That’s it.

Hamas’s military attack was wonderful in terms of it’s boldness and secrecy. So Hamas caught them off guard. But most of those Hamas guys are now dead. Hamas cannot defeat Israel.

The Arabs can be up in arms all over the Middle East, but without actual nations with real fire power entering the fray, Israel can’t be threatened.

The only other power of note would be Turkey. Turkey has a strong army. If Turkey and Syria were on the same side and they allied with Iran and Egypt, then maybe the Arabs could fight Israel and smash it.

But America won’t allow it. Israel is totally safe.

This is NOT like Ukraine where they have a real enemy with real teeth that is trying to tear them to pieces.

I find it ridiculous to even call this Israel nonsense a real war. No it’s not a real war. No, there is nobody in the world who cares about the region. No, the Jews of Israel won’t be destroyed. No it is not Armageddon.

The only real players are the Russians backing the Arabs/Muslims because that is the traditional Cold War angle that worked. So Russia backs the Muslims and America backs the Jews.

For the record, Russia has LOTS OF MUSLIMS, so this works for Russia.

There is nothing strategic going on, and it can’t lead to anything that really has any military value. It doesn’t even have strategic value for America, nor for Russia. At best it is simply a place where America and Israel can fight Russia and Muslims. It’s a ridiculous scenario.

The only thing of value in the region is Arab oil. The people who are really affected by this, don’t even have the military power to intervene. The Middle East oil goes to Europe and to Asia. Both America and Russia have their own oil and don’t need the Middle East oil. Neither Europe nor Asia, including stupid China, have the military might to interfere in the region.

It’s just a power game between America and Russia, and America has all the aces.

I think Hamas has been a big winner. It was a small player, but now it’s a bigger player in Arab/Muslim eyes. But it is not a game changer.

The Muslims and Jews are more or less in a stalemate that will continue for a long time after all of us are dead. It might be like this for centuries.

The only big war in the world right now is Ukraine. That is the war that could cause problems. That is the war that will affect Whites, especially Europeans.

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Audio: JEWS108: Jews are MANAGERS (Strategists), Whites are WORKERS, Soldiers, Scientists Tacticians
This is a follow up video from How Jews Think. In this video I discuss the class warfare of the Jews as an upper class with a work outlook of Managment versus whites, who almost universally are some form of High Quality Worker. I look at the different outlooks of these two groups and then examine the resulting clashes between then.

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