The Great Reset, my Analysis: The Plan B for when Plan A fails and everything crashes…


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2005: Blacks: S.Africa: Ritual Circumcision Likely Contributing to HIV Spread
Some Black tribes engage in ritual circumcision. (Sometimes the Black boys even die!!). It turns out that another side effect was spreading AIDS!

[This is a quick note I sent to some Americans about The Great Reset. Jan]

I wrote:-

Personally, my assessment is that the Elite do NOT want the system to collapse.

It’s my view that the system is so bloated and full of junk that they can’t keep the fake act going and therefore, despite their best efforts the system has been on the verge of collapse for years.
So their next best thing is to hyper-inflate their way out of it because there is no other option.
I don’t think that the Elite want the Great Reset. The Great Reset might be Plan B, for when Plan A totally just crashes down in a huge heap because it was a pack of lies and junk to begin with.
Go back to the original 2008 crash … lending insane amounts of money to Blacks who can’t pay it back. So it was lending good money to idiot people and eventually it came home to roost – ergo mega crash.

I really think The Great Reset is Plan B, for when Plan A can’t make it.

Keep in mind, if the markets collapse, that VIRTUALLY EVERYTHING WILL BE GONE including ALL SAVINGS, ALL PENSIONS … people will be frothing at the mouth and running for their AR15s.

The Elite know that. If everyone loses EVERYTHING THEY EVER WORKED FOR, they’ll seriously want to KILL.

I don’t see how The Great Reset can fly, or even be tolerated.

I think it’s insane. If you can’t get food, fuel, or medical care, you’ll want to go and kill every politician or elite businessman you can lay your hands on.

Those are my quick thoughts.

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In this article is a photo of a woman‘s son who survived a farm attack. Later he died. You may find this shocking.

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