The Elite Scum at work: Solid reasons to microchip kids – WEF
Video & Audio: TOP SECRET: WW2s Biggest Tank Battle they never talk about
This was one of my 3 viral videos on Youtube before they quickly killed it. The original video was made in 2016. Look in every history reference book for the biggest Tank Battle that was ever fought and youll find they talk about the Battle of Kursk (or the Kursk Campaign). Heres the greatest tank battle in all of history and the fantastic Wehrmacht won it with ease, even when they faced tanks so new and so advanced that they had never seen these types of tanks before and even when their shells just bounced off the Soviet armour!
[The filthy garbage are at work. Keep these bastards away from your kids. Jan]
An article on the institution’s website makes the case for implant technologies
‘Solid’ reasons to microchip kids – WEF
Human implant technologies will soon become a commodity, a blog post published on the World Economic Forum’s website last week suggests, arguing that there are “solid, rational” reasons for microchipping children with location trackers.
The author, Vice President R&D of the Interuniversity Microelectronics Center (IMEC) Kathleen Philips, argues that augmented reality technology “has the ability to transform society and individual lives” and despite sounding “scary,” will undergo the same “natural evolution” as wearable tech.
“Hearing aids or glasses no longer carry a stigma. They are accessories and are even considered a fashion item. Likewise, implants will evolve into a commodity,“ she wrote.
Philips believes an augmented society is more or less inevitable and that the real question is how it will be regulated. “The limits on implants are going to be set by ethical arguments rather than scientific capacity.”
As an example of such “ethical” regulation, the author points to the question of whether or not children should be implanted with microchips. “There are solid, rational reasons for it, like safety,” she writes, noting that for some it might be a “bridge too far.”
Musk seeks more brain chip tech – media
As for who will oversee the ethics governing the use of such technologies, Philips states that “ethics should not be preached from an academic ivory tower.”
“Overarching or independent institutions should guide policymakers and researchers in the augmented society on the do’s and dont’s and help build the ethical framework on societal aspects of augmented reality technology,” she wrote.
Philips provides examples of such regulation by pointing to the Council of Europe, which recently launched a strategic action plan for issues raised by the application of neurotechnologies, as well as the Rathenau Institute, founded by the Dutch government, which assesses the impact of technology on our lives.
Meanwhile, World Economic Forum chief Klaus Schwab has previously suggested there will soon be a so-called “fourth industrial revolution,” which will “lead to a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity.”
Video & Audio: After Black Revolution, Comes WHITE REVOLUTION!
In this video I discuss Black Revolution. We look at Black Revolution in America and Africa and the role of the Jews as well as that brave American hero, George Lincoln Rockwell, who gave his life trying to save White Americans and trying to save Whites everywhere.Rockwell once made a prediction that After Black Revolution there will be a WHITE REVOLUTION.