The Disgusting way White Americans are FOOLED: The slave rebellion of Nat Turner and John Brown
Video: How Sexual Blackmail works: Australian Jew Abe Saffron, the original Epstein
I take a look at an Australian Jew whose parents were Russian Jews, who was the original Epstein. This Jew was a criminal of note, and in Australia he was known as Mr Sin. His specialty was sexual blackmail.
[One of my American supporters wrote to me about Nat Turner and John Brown. Jan]
Here’s a short video which seems to be a simple school exercise for American kids. For Whites who aren’t Americans, here’s the short video to watch because this will give you background:
My supporter wrote:
>Dear Jan, I just wanted to write you real quick , was wondering about the slave rebellion of Nat Turner and John Brown, it’s really sick how they portray them as heroes.
I replied:
I’ve never studied this. Is this pre-US Civil War crap? Feel free to send me any links. But I’ll also keep an eye open on it. I took a quick look and it looks like the one is a Black and the other is a white. You know something, here in South Africa, those worthless anti-White scum Jews, took all the TRAITORS (i.e. all the old Liberal COWARDS and JEW TRAITORS), and they called them the "anti-Apartheid heroes". Meanwhile they are TRAITORS to Whites!!! They should in all likelihood, have been HANGED for TREASON. But that’s the boldness of the Jews in twisting history against Whites. So what I’m saying is that the Jews probably took all your American scum, pathetic White traitors along with any anti-White Black and then turned them into "heroes". If the Romans or any other pre-Christian Whites had to hear that you had a "slave rebellion", they would immediately have said: "Why did you allow that? Why didn’t you just smash them into the ground with your army?" The Romans CRUCIFIED THOUSANDS of slaves during one of their big slave rebellions. They crucified them by the thousands along the main road into Rome. That will give you an idea of how the Romans felt about a slave rebellion. But yes, modern Jews and Liberals in America are taking your history and turning it AGAINST WHITE AMERICANS! It’s sickening. But that’s what Jews do. And they did the same to us in Africa. In truth, what is called the "Liberation" of Africa, is, in reality a SLAVE REBELLION!
I quickly looked into a short history of John Brown and Nat Turner and their actions. There is no question that the South (Confederates) were right about this. Whites, in ancient times would never have viewed this stuff as GOOD. Furthermore, in modern times, we now KNOW that Blacks bring with them serious issues. (In my videos, watch my term about "The Lower Man"). There are many very serious problems with integrating Blacks and Whites, and it is TOTALLY INSANE to even regard these two races as EQUAL. This is total nonsense. The South was totally right on this. John Brown seems to have been a nut, and it was right that he was hanged for what he did. Nat Turner, is your slave who rebels. And yes, it’s his right to rebel, but for our civilisation, it is NOT RIGHT for us to accept that. Our civilisation is "European Civilisation" and this civilisation is based on certain values and standards that are the NORM FOR US. If we deviate from these values WE WILL COLLAPSE. You can see how this happened to the Romans, the Egyptians, the Persians, etc, etc. So yeah, if Nat Turner doesn’t like Whites and fights them, that’s his perogative. If he wants to be free, and he wanted to flee the USA, yes, that’s fine. But it is INSANE to consider him a hero and one who takes us upwards. This is the same, for example, for the Whites of SA and Nelson Mandela. Is he our hero? Should he be our hero? Definitely not. He’s a hero for his people, but he’s an enemy for us. And no, we can’t co-exist. The merger of Blacks and Whites in America is a serious problem. The US Civil War was VERY BAD and the evil from that has just got worse and worse. White Americans MUST face RACE openly. You cannot hide it and deal with it by way of "Morality". Morality is not the answer. We must face RACE as a real issue, exactly as Hitler, Rockwell and Dr Verwoerd faced it.
Video: How Sexual Blackmail works: Australian Jew Abe Saffron, the original Epstein
I take a look at an Australian Jew whose parents were Russian Jews, who was the original Epstein. This Jew was a criminal of note, and in Australia he was known as Mr Sin. His specialty was sexual blackmail.