The Child DESTROYERS & PERVERTS: JEWS: Jews prominent defenders of Drag Story Hour
BIG BLACK LIES ABOUT APARTHEID! The lie that Whites killed MILLIONS of Blacks!
Here in South Africa, black Govt ministers have even said in Parliament that Apartheid killed MILLIONS of blacks. This is a total lie.
[You should never let your children get near these scum. Keep your children away from JEWS, Liberals and Communists. I think that some of these sorts of things should be banned or made illegal. Paedophilia should be illegal. Perhaps with a good jail term or, if the victim is young enough, a death sentence. Anyone who tries to have sex with a very young child should be executed. This is lunatic stuff. Jan]
From New York Jewish Week.
As right-wing protestors descend upon Drag Story Hour events across New York, they have frequently been met by a loosely connected movement of counter protestors that includes many progressive Jewish groups.
Since September, right-wing activists have routinely protested Drag Story Hour events, where a person dressed in drag reads to children. The aim of these story times, according to the founder of the Drag Story Hour New York chapter, is to promote literacy while giving children positive queer role models.
At the Queens Public Library in Jackson Heights on Dec. 29, at least five members of the Proud Boys, a far-right extremist group, showed up to harass people attending a story session. Those protestors were met by hundreds of activists from the other side, many of whom are Jewish. They included members of Jews For Racial and Economic Justice, Outlive Them, United Against Racism and Fascism and other other organizations. …
Farber told the New York Jewish Week that last Thursday there were at least 300 people defending Drag Story Hour at the Queens library branch, from all ages and backgrounds. Farber added that “there are a lot of Jews” doing the behind-the-scenes work, the organizing and the outreach that goes into “pulling these defenses off.”
“Jews are so heavily represented in the left,” Farber said. “There’s been a reinfusion of energy on what people call the Jewish Left. There are people getting self organized into small groups that do take political action into what they believe is needed to create a better world.”
Sophie Ellman-Golan, communications director for Jews for Racial & Economic Justice, another prominent activist group that’s defending Drag Story Hour
2005: S.Africa: Black Children as young as 5 have sex at school
This was a news story from the mass media about young Black children having sex at school.