The British, Jewish Soviet Chess moves at the start of WW2 – Invading Scandanavia


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White Shop: A Handful of Hard Men: The SAS and the Battle for Rhodesia
It is difficult to find another soldiers story to equal Watts in terms of time spent on the field of battle and challenges faced. Even by the lofty standards of the SAS and Special Forces, one has to look far to find anyone who can match his record of resilience and valor in the face of such daunting odds and with resources so paltry.

One of the aspects of WW2 which I’ve hardly ever bothered to look at, other than the Italian campaigns, are the campaigns in Scandinavia. The one war I am familiar with is the Russo-Finish Winter war, which is a fascinating study, not to mention the incredible fight of the Fins. The fight of the Fins is incredible, and it needs a lot of study, which I would like to do later. I don’t just like making comments on things without explaining some of my thoughts and analyses.

Among the thoughts that began to fascinate me about the VERY WEIRD Jewish type of moves of the Soviet Union at the start of WW2, was Hitler’s invasion of Norway and Sweden.

But Hitler only began to make those moves when the British were already well on their way to doing the same.

The part that fascinated me were the British moves especially in Scandinavia.

There are a bunch of fascinating topics with regard to these opening rounds of WW2, which again, I would like to return to later.

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2004: S.Africa sells nuclear secrets to RED CHINA
Since the blacks came to power, weve had the Russians here, getting our military technology. Now were helping out those peaceful Chinese communists who threatened to nuke LA. This is a special article from the late Adriana Stuijt in the Netherlands.

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