The BIG (JEWISH) BUSINESSES, will GET BIGGER in the USA (& probably everywhere) – My Comments


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White Shop: Beautiful Third Reich Mugs: Mothers Day Mug, Hitler, Hess & many more
However there are a lot of mugs, including 3 poster mugs where you can choose from combinations of posters. In total there are 23+ different variations of these beautiful mugs.

[This concentration of ever more financial power in the hands of the few is a state within a state. This will increase the Jewish threat. Jews have too much power over economies, and their power extends into many areas that are outright dangerous. This is a serious problem, and with lots of small businesses getting wiped out across the Western world, including South Africa, this is a BIG PROBLEM. This is a direct threat to white freedom everywhere. Jan]

By 2025, there could be 100,000 fewer stores in the US. At least, that’s what a group of UBS analysts is prepping for.

In an in-depth report to clients this week, analysts laid out why this would likely happen and how they expected the coronavirus pandemic to have a long-lasting impact on the retail sector.

While the coronavirus isn’t the only reason for the expected store closings, the analysts expect the effects of the pandemic to accelerate a trend that was already in motion as shoppers change their habits permanently in a post-COVID-19 world.

The fundamental reason for stores closing down in the future will be the rise of e-commerce, the report said.

Online giants such as Amazon were already having a detrimental impact on brick-and-mortar retailers, but with customers increasingly forced to shop online during the pandemic, UBS expects that many people will not go back to stores or at least limit their visits.

This isn’t only because of new habits put in place during the pandemic but also because there’s likely to be a lingering fear around going to crowded spaces in the future.

According to the report, apparel, home-furnishing, consumer-electronics, and grocery companies will likely see the largest number of store closings in the next five years. Many of these stores were already struggling before the pandemic hit and are now faced with the challenge of staying afloat as large parts of the country remain under lockdown and nonessential stores stay closed.

Grocery stores are in a more unique position, however. While these stores have been allowed to remain open, many more people are choosing to shop online for groceries.

Experts expect this to have a long-term impact on the sector as more people test out these services and become more accustomed to using them. "We expect this to pull forward commence adoption of online grocery growing forward," the report said.

Meanwhile, mass merchants — like Costco, Walmart, and Target — are likely to benefit from these store closings because of the scale and breadth of their offerings. "Our overarching belief is that the big will get bigger," the report said.


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2004: S.Africa sells nuclear secrets to RED CHINA
Since the blacks came to power, weve had the Russians here, getting our military technology. Now were helping out those peaceful Chinese communists who threatened to nuke LA. This is a special article from the late Adriana Stuijt in the Netherlands.

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