The Best Twitter Pro-White Hashtag!


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The greatest hashtag I’ve yet seen on Twitter is this one: #HateSpeechIsGreatSpeech! Hahaha. I’m enojying watching the young whites just showing the Liberal Jewish system the finger! I laughed so much when I saw it the other day. That’s the way to go White people!!! Just show the Jewish/Liberal WHITE-HATING System the FINGER!

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Video: How the Jews and Russians taught the Blacks Propaganda and Communism
In this video we take a really close look at what the Jews and the Russians taught the Blacks who wanted to fight the Whites in South Africa. What exactly did the Jews, like Joe Slovo, tell the Blacks? What exactly were the Russians hoping to achieve in southern Africa in general and in South Africa in particular? How do the Blacks of southern Africa view Putin today and the Russians now?

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