TERRIBLE NEWS: Jewish President of Ukraine: Babi Yar – Ukraine’s Parliament Passes Bill Banning Anti-Semitism


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Video: What Hitler tried to teach Germans and ALL Whites
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[This is terrible and disgusting. There were quite a lot of good White national socialists in the Ukraine, and many of us were excited about this including myself. But there were strong rumours that the President of Ukraine was a damned Jew! And here, lo and behold, it comes out in the news that Ukraine is ruled by a Jew rat! And now he's making this holocaust law … and he's going to punish people with "hate speech" garbage, just like they are going to do here in South Africa. I am utterly amazed by the reference that the President claims that his relatives died in the holocaust. But to my amazement this article mentions:
Babi Yar (Babyn Yar). I did a video a few months back where I did a full, detailed analysis of the junk Jewish claims at Babi Yar and exposed it for the pack of lies that it is. Here they write their ludicrous junk about Babi Yar. Ridiculous rubbish and nonsense. You can view my Babi Yar video here: https://historyreviewed.best/index.php/video-audio-how-one-jewish-woman-invented-an-entire-holocaust/ – Isn't it just AMAZING how 0.2% of the population can control ALL of the population? Yet that is exactly what has just happened in the Ukraine. I feel so sad for our brethren there. I had such high hopes for the Ukrainians, and the Ukrainians were so grateful when the Wehrmacht came to free them from JEWISH COMMUNISM! Jan]

Ukraine’s parliament has passed a law defining anti-Semitism and banning it in the country.

The Verkhovna Rada on September 22 approved a second reading of the bill by 283 votes with the required minimum of 226, sending it to President Volodymyr Zelenskiy for his signature to become law.

Zelenskiy, who is Jewish, has said he lost relatives in the Holocaust.

An estimated 0.2 percent of Ukraine’s population of 41 million is Jewish.

The legislation defines anti-Semitism as hatred of Jews, calling for or justifying attacks on the minority, making false or hateful statements about Jews, and denying the mass extermination of Jews during the Holocaust.

Damaging buildings, monuments, or religious institutions would also fall under the definition of anti-Semitism.

"The lack of a clear definition of anti-Semitism in Ukrainian legislation does not allow for the proper classification of crimes committed on its basis," the law’s authors said.

"In practice, this leads to the actual impunity of offenders," they said.

Under the bill, victims can claim compensation for material and moral damage and violators may face penalties under existing hate-crime laws.

An estimated 1.5 million of Ukraine’s pre-World War II Jewish population was killed in the Nazi Holocaust.

In one of the worst atrocities, nearly 34,000 Jewish men, women, and children were killed in mass shootings on the edge of the capital, Kyiv, on September 29-30, 1941, in what is known as the Babyn Yar massacre.

Source: https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-passes-antisemitism-law/31473362.html

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