Space: Planetary Science: Near-Collision With Other Star Jumbled Up Our Solar System, Physicists Says – My Comments


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[It is only in recent years that I learned about the concept of "wandering planets" and "wandering stars". They call them rogue planets and rogue stars. These bodies were expelled from other solar systems and they wander through space. It is one of the creepiest and most dangerous things you can imagine. It is very freaky actually. And it's happened several times to our solar system. One day I'll do a video about this. To me it's the creepiest, weirdest thing I ever heard about in astronomy. It's firmly proven. It happens, and there is a star already on it's way to our solar system and it will mess things up in about 2 – 3 million years! Jan]

Here’s the video:

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Video & Audio: Jew Shock: When Whites go Wonky!
When you learn about the Jews it really shocks your system. I discuss nutty ideas on the White Right & how nobody was nuttier than me. But this nuttiness is good news. Whites are DISCONNECTING from the Jew World Order. Its time to dump it.

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