South Africa: WAR: LOCKDOWN REBELLION COMING … Whites are very irritated… even Liberal types…
Video: When young Julius Caesar was kidnapped by Pirates
This is the incredible story of the bravery and boldness and determination of the bad-assed man we know as the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar. This is what happened to him when he was a young man.
[Today I was listening to a fascinating voice note from a white English-speaking woman. I will put it on my website. It is a voice note that literally says: I am not encouraging WAR, but… and she goes on to say that millions of us (including no doubt blacks), must rebel against the Govt and force lockdown to end. She claims, erroneously, that the army is 200,000 strong. It is actually 97,000 strong and that includes the reserves. But she was talking about forcing the Govt to end the lockdown.
div>I would like us to watch lockdown rebellions in other countries. But here in SA, I think some wilder stuff is coming. I am very happy with this. This is excellent stuff. Jan]
From: End Lockdown <endlockdown9
Date: Sat, May 9, 2020 at 9:25 PM
Subject: Thank you for your email Re: Stupidity of lock down to end
Good day
Thanks for the email
Please continue to ask your friends and Family to send 1 email per
person to endlockdown9 they must say in email
Whatsapp number
We need all that information in order for your voice to be heard
We need 100 000 emails before 15 May 2020 please before 12 noon.
Please do it NOW before it’s too late. We need thousands of emails.
On the 15 May 2020 at 12 noon we email the whole government..over 500
people in government will receive the email. If they don’t end the
Lockdown in 7 days we March. It’s the only way our voices will be
heard and we hand over a memorandum to Government
Please continue to support us by telling your friends and Family and
colleagues to email endlockdown9
If you want more documents about why lockdown must be ended send a
email requesting documents
If you have any questions email us
Anti-White Jews: 600-plus Jewish groups sign full-page ad supporting Black Lives Matter
More than 600 Jewish groups signed a full-page New York Times ad in support of the Black Lives Matter movement.