South Africa loses more Intellectual Capital (Whites)


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2005: Blacks: S.Africa: Ritual Circumcision Likely Contributing to HIV Spread
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This is from the Transvaal Agricultural Union (South Africa):-

SA suffers losses of intellectual capital

Not only does South Africa suffer losses of monetary capital, but the United Nations’ Migration data shows that intellectual capital is also rapidly leaving the country.

South Africa’s losses of intellectual capital – skilled workers – to countries such as Britain, Australia, America, New Zealand, and Canada are attributed to job insecurity (including children’s futures) and the extremely high rate of crime in South Africa.

Government institutions suffer particularly from this.

“How long does South Africans still have to suffer and pay the high price for an uncertain policy environment of the ANC government. Its policy of cadre deployment at institutions such as Eskom, the railways, Denel, health services, security services etc. clearly failed South Africans,” said Mr Bennie van Zyl, TLU SA General Manager.

The migration data is not limited to just one race and the figures do not make for comfortable reading. An article by BusinessTech also refers to data from Statistics Australia and Statistics New Zealand to paint the dire and dangerous picture for South Africa.

Skilled workers are leaving the country in record numbers – and this even before Eskom’s further failure and the dangerous divisions in the country’s ruling party with the focus more about the party and not about ruling the country.

More than 11,000 permits for New Zealand have already been approved this year, with almost 28,000 applications yet to be processed. More than 200 000 South Africans already live in Australia.

“These figures are increasing in radical strides, I believe. With the current circumstances and reality of daily existence for all South Africans, it will not change easily. Actual action – and action that shows results – is necessary to address the situation,” Mr Van Zyl added.

The intellectual capital that leaves the country is precisely the working qualified residents who contribute to the government’s state coffers. This financial loss will have an impact on the allowance dependent voters when the state’s loss of this contribution can no longer afford the unemployed.

“Almost 50% of our country’s population receives grants from the state and less than 10% of the inhabitants pay 40% of taxes. Since 2012, the number has dropped according to SARS, Fin24 reported earlier this year,” said Ms Erika Helm, TLU SA Local Government.

“There is too much pressure on a small part of the population to sustain the incredibly high percentage of unemployed and people on grants. And with every person – who is a taxpayer – leaving the country, the situation gets worse. It cannot go on like this indefinitely.”

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