South Africa accuses Israel of genocide while its white farmers are hunted down


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South Africa filed a complaint on Friday at the UN’s International Court of Justice (ICJ) accusing Israel of genocide against Gazans and asking the court to order an immediate end to the war with Hamas still in charge of Gaza.

The pot calling the kettle black

Ironically, South Africa is led by the Marxist African National Congress (ANC), which came to power through its notorious “necklacing" campaign against the nation’s black population.

The scene is a gloomy shanty somewhere in Soweto, the sprawling black township on the outskirts of Johannesburg. Standing around the room are a group of young black radicals known as “comrades,” and hanging ominously on the walls are some old tires. The air is hot and heavy, the atmosphere solemn. The “People’s Court” is in session.

Someone issues an order, and the accused party is roughly hauled in. Like his accusers and judges, the accused is black. Unlike the others in the room, however, he is not a dedicated participant in the Marxist revolution sweeping through the black townships in South Africa. For that reason he is now on “trial.”

The “defendant” is charged with the crime of collaborating with “the system” and with the police. The comrades, acting as prosecutor, judge, and jury, do not worry about such legal niceties as proof and the rights of the accused. The trial is short and to the point. The verdict is foreordained: guilty. As is the sentence: death by “necklace.”

The sentence is carried out swiftly. As the victim sobs and pleads for mercy, his hands are tied behind his back with barbed wire. A rubber tire is placed around his neck, and another is placed around his legs. The comrades force the condemned man to drink some petrol, and the rest is poured over the victim and the tires. Then, one of the comrades lights a match.

Engulfed in flames, the victim falls to the ground and writhes in agonizing pain. The rubber tires ensure a very hot fire, and the melting rubber eats into his flesh. Amidst his cries, the comrades gather around and taunt him with a callousness that defies human understanding. Finally, after 20 minutes of intense suffering and pain, death mercifully ends the victim’s horrible agony. [Emphases added].

A few moments after this photo was taken, the tire around that man’s neck was doused in gasoline and set on fire.

This practice was called "necklacing" and it was pioneered by Nelson and Winnie Mandela when they led the ANC in communist revolution against White South Africa.

— Doug Morrison (@radiofreenw) October 20, 2023
Such violence against a vulnerable group is routinely used by Marxists to create an impression of unanimous support for a revolutionary movement. Despite this tell-tale sign, the claim that Mandela was a communist was ridiculed throughout his life, until shortly after his death, when it was suddenly admitted:

Shortly after the death of South African revolutionary Nelson Mandela, the South African Communist Party and the African National Congress both released official statements acknowledging what was already well-known among experts:

“Comrade” Mandela was indeed a Communist Party leader who served on the Soviet-backed organization’s Central Committee. According to the Communist Party statement on Mandela’s passing, not only was the confessed terror leader a senior official on the South African Communist Party’s highest decision-making body, he was actually close to the outfit until his death. [Emphases added].

Mandela’s closed relationship with Marxists who hate what we stand for and chant death to America
Fidel Castro, Gaddafi, Joe Slovo Saddam Hussein Ayatollah. Why do our school books describe #NelsonMandela as a hero? @GovRonDeSantis@dougmastriano @lourdesubieta @AmericanoMedia

— Real Hamlet Garcia (@Hamletgarcia17) July 31, 2022
The ANC later turned its violence against white farmers, leading to genocide charges. More than a decade ago:

[T]he non-profit group Genocide Watch declared last month that preparations for genocidal atrocities against white South African farmers were underway and that the early phases of genocide had possibly already begun. [Emphasis added].

South African farmer Theo Bekker (79) was brutally murdered by 4 thugs yesterday

This came 24 hours after EFF leader Julius Malema told a crowd of 90k people to “kill the Boer (Whites),…

— rinaagustina (@rinagustin2) December 28, 2023
Lest one think the violence is random, here is Julius Malema, head of the nation’s Marxist–Leninist Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party and former ANC official, leading a stadium crowd in a boisterous chant calling for the murder of Beors (South Africans of Dutch, German, or Huguenot descent):

“Shoot to kill; kill the Beor; kill the farmer.”

WATCH: Julius Malema Chant ‘Kill The Boer’ at 10th anniversary of EFF at FNB Stadium. The Equality Court in Johannesburg ruled in August last year that the song was not hate speech or incitement, after AfriForum took the matter to court. #EFF #JuliusMalema #JuliusMalemaChallenge

— Africa To Global News Network (@ATGNewsnetwork) August 1, 2023
The irony of South Africa’s genocide complaint was not lost on X users:

South Africa – The genocide of white farmers in South Africa is hugely underreported and ignored. Crosses for every white farmer murdered, creating a one huge cross. Today, the hard left racist SA government astonishingly filed a genocide claim against Israel

— RonEnglish (@RonEng1ish) December 29, 2023
Not surprisingly, Mandela supported the Marxist PLO revolutionaries who likewise targeted the population they claimed to represent, Arabs. Today the PLO targets Israel from the East while Hamas targets it from the West.

Nelson Mandela greets Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat#RIPNelsonMandela#ShareAMandelaPICTURE

— ANC (@ANCwcape) December 6, 2013
Protesting imaginary genocide, chanting for real one

Joining the South African regime’s hypocritical claim of genocide in Gaza, pro-Hamas activists disrupted Christmas celebrations throughout the Christian world claiming that Western nations are supporting a genocide in Gaza. The group Shut It Down for Palestine declared ”There can be no Christmas as usual during a genocide!”

The protestors called not just for leaving Hamas terrorists in power, through a permanent cease-fire in Gaza, but for destroying Israel, chanting, “Intifadah-Revolution; no celebration until liberation” in front of the Rockefeller Center’s Christmas tree. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), which was given control of Judea and Samaria (the so-called “West Bank” of the Jordan River) was formed in 1964 when Egypt ruled Gaza and Jordan ruled the West Bank. The liberation, therefore, referred to pre-1967 Israel, that is, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

Supporters at Rockefeller Plaza in front of the largest Christmas tree in #NewYorkCity.#Gaza_Genocide | #Christmas #??????????? #????????

— Mister J. – ???? ?? (@Angryman_J) December 26, 2023
Frontline News has also detailed the brutality of Hamas toward Gazan Arabs, from the recent gunning down of Gazans attempting to follow evacuation orders in military zones to the long-standing practice of abductions, torture, and executions of dissidents.

Were there ever protests in major cities over Hamas’s repeated human rights abuses against Palestinians?

Hamas forces in the Gaza Strip committed serious human rights abuses including abductions, torture and extra-judicial killings of Palestinian civilians UN report says@LBC

— Paul FriendPray God saves us from liberals (@PFr1end) October 24, 2023

Are South Africa’s ANC and Hamas supporters merely overlooking their own group’s genocidal plans, in an extraordinary lack of self-awareness? Or are they also fabricating, and projecting, the entire genocide claim against Israel?

Promoting a cease-fire and pressing Israel to create an independent state in Gaza and the West Bank, with a connecting road, would allow the PLO and Hamas to invite Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and other nations to send tanks and planes into that independent state, in an attempt to replace Israel with a Marxist PLO state. The world would then be one step closer to a regional Middle East government that could be joined with the EU and other regional governments to form one global government.

For now, though, Israel stands in the way. Check back as we consider whether the killing in Gaza is, in fact, genocidal.


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