South Africa: 2001: USA & Israel leave the conference on racism


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[There was a global conference on "racism" in South Africa, and of course the Blacks here loved hosting it. But the USA and Israel walked out on it. So if it's JEWS who are guilty of "racism" then America stands by the Jews, but they won't stand by White South Africans or even their own Whites. Jan]

Posted By: Jan Date: 2001-09-03 Time: 20:11:24

On the 7pm news tonight on SABC we heard that Colin Powell had ordered the US
delegation to the conference on racism to immediately return to America.

The Israeli delegation also announced that they were pulling out of the

Both the USA and Israel were very upset with the wording of various
resolutions brought forth by Arab countries that Israel was an "Apartheid
state" and Zionism was the same as "racism."

Then too, there were constant rumours that the USA was uncomfortable about
the slavery reparations issue which many countries, including South Africa
are in favour of.

In Israel, Mr Peres held a news conference where he made some derogatory
remarks about the conference.

Personally, I’m glad the USA and Israel have pulled out because I have said
from the start that this so-called "Conference on Racism" is nothing more
than a PROPAGANDA EXERCISE aimed at Western countries, and most especially
against the USA and Israel.

For weeks prior to the conference, there was uncertainty whether Colin Powell
would even send a US delegation. At the last moment he sent a mid-level
delegation. The USA had objected to "hate speech" in some of the documents.

This conference on racism is a great show-piece for South Africa’s ANC
government but in reality it is just a West-bashing session. We have people
like Fidel Castro pitching up here and lecturing to the world about the
horrors of racism – this from an aged communist who has destroyed his own

We hear moaning and whining about slavery in the West, which was abolished
more than a century ago, and yet nobody talks of slavery in Africa TODAY.
Nobody talks of the fact that 20 million Chinese political prisoners are
SLAVE LABOURERS! No, you won’t hear that coming out of their mouths.

This conference on racism was, from the start, not a conference at all, but a
West-bashing session with only one aim in mind and that was to try to
introduce at a governmental level, a guilt complex in certain countries (USA,
UK, Europe & Israel) so that they could in the future be branded as criminals
and so that they would have to start forking out money, or in the case of
Israel, start changing their country.

The Israelis complained throughout the conference of the one-sided nature of
the conference. This does not surprise me.

All this talk of racism should be put in perspective so that people know what
it is. From my book, Government by Deception, here is the opening paragraphs
of my chapter on racism:

"One group of unscrupulous white people (the Russians) wanted to hurt another
group of white people (the Europeans). They believed they could fool black
people into being their weapon. That is how racism was born. Racism, while
pretending to further the aims of black people, is in reality just a means of
hurting the West while furthering the aims of communism. Racism is just
another propaganda weapon created by white people."

"Ivor Benson was the Information Adviser to Mr Ian Smith, the last white
ruler of Rhodesia. In 1972 he said: “Another major weapon of the Communist
conspiracy, equal in importance to the Marxist-Fabian socialist ideology, is
the race issue… And the race issue has been found to be by far the most
effective means of shaking a social system to pieces and demoralising a
population – provided, of course, that the country concerned already has some
sort of race problem which can be exploited for this purpose”

"The Marxist Liberation of Southern Africa is one of the most hypocritical
acts in history. Not only did the Liberators advance on a dual strategy of
class warfare and the deliberate incitement of race hatred but their
communist sponsors are among the most racist people on the planet."

And that is what is happening in the world today. This "Conference on Racism"
is, and was intended to be, nothing more than a propaganda exercise to bash
certain countries and to STIR UP RACE HATRED.

That’s what this is really all about.

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