Someone writes to me: Why do I believe Ukrainian lies? Colonel Douglas MacGregor is the BEST
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[This is what someone wrote to me. Jan]
He wrote:
I don’t understand why you appear to be oriteintating yourself in this conflict to favour Ukraine. Ukraine and the West represent Jewish globalism. Russia doeesn’t. MacGregor has been spot on with all of his assessments since the very beginning, and he points out that most of the casualties are from artillery. In this regard Russia outguns Ukraine by 10 – 1, hence the mnassive disaparity between the absurd Ukraine bullshit and the figures that MacGregor advocates.
My response to him was:
Hello, You clearly have NOT bothered to study my videos re: Russia. MacGregor has the WORST ANALYSIS OF ANYONE!
Additional points I will make, which I did not bother making to him are:
- I have studied and followed Scott Ritter and Douglas MacGregor in the past. I even wasted my time watching entire videos where they speak. I have pointed out that nobody talks more nonsense than the above two. MacGregor is in a class of his own when it comes to making bold statements that are TOTALLY WRONG. MacGregor is a total joke. That man has OPENLY PREDICTED RUSSIAN VICTORIES NONE OF WHICH HAPPENED and even the Russians never conquered the places which he said they would conquer soon. The man is a waste of time.
I have done many shows about the Russians and Putin. The Russians are no friends of Europe. And I actually have read history going back to the time of Napoleon. Putin is NOT Jew free. Putin LOVES JEWS and Putin is forcing White Russians to integrate with Muslims and with Blacks.
I know about the Jew Zelensky running Ukraine, but you have Chabad Jews openly boasting that THEY RUN THE ENTIRE RUSSIAN ECONOMY! So? What’s the difference there?
I am no expert on Ukraine but I have done shows with Whites IN EUROPE, some of whom can READ and UNDERSTAND both Ukrainian and Russian. And NONE of them see Russia as some kind of saviour.
There are things about Ukraine that I have heard, but I’ve not dug deeper into it. Apparently antisemitism is pretty open in Ukraine – would you believe? And there are also lots of NAZIS in Ukraine and they now form elite units. Even Putin constantly talks about the NAZIS in Ukraine.
The person who sent me this note clearly has not looked even the slightest at all the stuff I’ve put out about Russia and how the Russians were the prime moves in destroying the European Empires and in getting Blacks to kill us Whites in Africa. The Jews may have started the nonsense, but the Russians MADE IT HAPPEN AND ARMED AND TRAINED THEM.
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