SHUT DOWN THE EVIL, ANTI-WESTERN, UN! – 46% Say America Pays Too Much of UN Budget – My Comments


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[As a Rhodesian and South African, I must tell you, I have the utmost contempt for the UN. That is one bloody evil organisation. One nasty organisation! Seriously. I am so glad to see that there are Americans who don't like this. Of course, the other side of the UN is that the NSA WANTED the UN on US soil so it could spy on it. So the UN is in part a bigger agenda. America has many deceptive agendas. But the UN on the whole is really bad for the rest of us. I would like to see that bloody organisation shut down. I HATE the UN and what it has done in Africa and the West. This is from a recent US Poll.  Jan]

Americans still generally have a favorable view of the United Nations, but many remain concerned that the United States is paying more than its fair share of the international organization’s budget.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 67% of Likely Voters say the United States should continue to participate in the United Nations, down slightly from a high of 72% three years ago. Just 18% disagree, while 14% are undecided.


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