Should I leave South Africa: Jewish TERRORISM against MY FREE SPEECH
Video & Audio: Why Hitler admired the Romans more than the German Tribes
I take a look at what Hitler thought about the German tribes and the results of Himmlers archaeological finds. I discuss Hitlers very surprising views on Charlemagnes crushing of Widukind and the Saxons.
There are people, even here in SA who have said to me that maybe it’s time for me to leave SA. It is something I have given some thought to. I see the most important battle line for me to be in SA, so I would not be keen to leave because I believe I can make an important difference here.
However, if it turns out that I’m going to be jailed or destroyed outright, for giving my honest opinions and engaging in my FREE SPEECH … In other words, IF MY FREE SPEECH IS TAKEN AWAY FROM ME … then I’ll tell everyone everywhere: I am leaving South Africa because there is no FREE SPEECH HERE!
If they throw me in jail, or try to destroy me in some way, so that I abandon my free speech due to JEWISH TERRORISM, then I will publicly tell people that this is why I have to SEEK POLITICAL ASYLUM somewhere. Then I’ll go to other countries and say: I am not allowed to have my FREE SPEECH in South Africa, will you allow me into your country … I would like to practise MY FREE SPEECH.
I intend fighting tooth and nail for my FREE SPEECH!
The Meaning of Rudyard Kiplings 1899 Poem: The White Mans Burden
Rudyard Kiplings poem ‘The White Mans Burden‘ was published in 1899, during a time of significant colonial expansion by European powers, particularly the British Empire, and the United States.