Sex shop owner, a school board member, to teach young children about sexual pleasure


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I discuss Whites who are out of their depth and helpless when they realise with horror the truth about Liberalism and Capitalism. I also talk about how Whites are caught up in fake problems that are the result of having so many moral factors that they need to take into account. Even here in South Africa we have helpless urban Whites who get flustered over nothing.

[Business people have no shame. I don't think she's Jewish. But even so. Jan]

A Washington state school board director who owns a sex shop is making headlines after announcing she will teach sex education classes for children as young as 9 on topics such as “sexual anatomy for pleasure” and “safer sex practices for all kinds of sexual activities.”

“The class for 9- to 12-year-olds is an introduction to topics related to relationships, puberty, bodies, and sexuality. We focus on what makes healthy vs. unhealthy friendships and romantic relationships, the science of how puberty works, consent and personal boundaries, defining ‘sex’, and discussing why people may or may not choose to engage in sexual activities,” Jenn Mason, owner of sex shop WinkWink in Bellingham and school board director for the Bellingham School District, told KTTH radio host Jason Rantz.

Mason announced there will be four, three-hour sex education classes held at WinkWink next month as part of an event billed the “Uncringe Academy.” The classes, which Mason will teach, are broken down by age, with 9- to 12-year-olds in one class and 13- to 17-year-olds in another class.

Class topics include, “What IS sex? Kinds of solo and partnered sexual activities,” “Sexual anatomy for pleasure and reproduction,” “Gender and sexual identities,” “Safer sex practices for all kinds of sexual activities,” among others. The description of the classes stipulates that the “workshops are divided by age and presentation of topics will vary for developmental appropriateness (sic).”

WinkWink is described as a “woman-owned, identity-inclusive sex shop” that is “sex-positive, body-positive, and gender-affirming.” While the “Uncringe Academy” is advertised as offering “honest, supportive, and inclusive sex education classes to help young people of all genders and sexual identities understand this important part of their life.”

WinkWink did not immediately respond to Fox News Digitals’ request for comment, but Mason defended teaching “safer sex practices” for 9- to 12-year-olds in a comment to Rantz. She said the lesson is one that is “not generally covered as a main topic in this course except as it relates to consent, communication, and safety.”

Mason also described sex as something with no set definition, arguing that one person’s definition of sex can vary from another’s.

“While some people think of sex as only being when a penis goes in a vagina, ‘sex’ can really be any activity that a person does with themselves or others to become aroused,” she said. “There’s no such thing as ‘real’ sex, and it’s OK if your definition of sex is different from someone else’s.”

Mason is a certified sex coach and educator, according to WinkWink’s website, and holds other classes and coaching lessons to help people “work toward your intimacy goals.”

Mason made headlines earlier this year when WinkWink announced a “Queer Youth Open Mic Night” for children ranging from ages 0 to 18 at the sex shop, billing it as one celebrating “youth pride” by holding a space and “stage for young queer voices in our community.”

Mason serves as board director for the Bellingham School District, but the upcoming sex education classes will be held in her personal capacity as a local business owner, not as a school official, Rantz reported. Similarly, the open mic night was not endorsed by the school district.


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