Scientist says: You are not causing global warming – My Comments


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S.Africa: AIDS madness: Blacks having sex with: Dogs, Goats and Donkeys
AIDS is making Blacks crazy in so many ways. First it was the raping of babies which has not stopped. But now they are turning to bestiality. I have mentioned such stories in the past and put them on the site.

[It's nice to hear sanity. Politics is filled with almost nothing but lies. Jan]


You are not causing global warming

By Ed Berry, PhD, Atmospheric Physics, CCM

IPCC’s Invalid Theory

Get over it. You are not causing global warming. Those who tell you otherwise are lying to you.

Here is new, powerful evidence that the climate alarmists are wrong. They flunk science. They have caused the greatest scam in human history.

The United Nations IPCC is the “scientific” base for all climate alarmism.

All climate alarmism begins with a theory. This theory is not based on real science. It is based on feelings and bad science.

In science, it is not possible to prove a theory is true. It is only possible to prove a theory is wrong. Yet the climate alarmists claim their theory is true.

IF their theory were true, then human CO2 would cause bad stuff to happen. But their theory is false, so all the alarmist claims against human CO2 vanish.

Here is IPCC’s and climate alarmism’s core theory. It has 3 connected parts. Notice the separation of “natural carbon emissions” and “human carbon emissions”:

  1. Natural carbon emissions remained constant after 1750.
  2. These constant natural emissions support a CO2 level of 280 ppm.
  3. Human carbon emissions caused all the CO2 increase above 280 ppm.

Why climate alarmists are wrong.

My recent Preprint #3 proves the climate alarmist core theory is false. When we prove a theory is false, this proof becomes more powerful than all the alarmist claims to the contrary. It outvotes the thousands of scientists and their peer-reviewed paper that assume or claim the alarmist core theory is true.
Alarmists argue their theory is true based as follows:

  1. The sum of human CO2 has been greater than the increase in CO2 above 280 ppm. Therefore, human CO2 caused ALL the increase.
  2. The increase in CO2 above 280 ppm follows a similar curve as the sum of human CO2 emissions.

These alarmist arguments fail out of the gate for the following reasons:

  1. IPCC’s own data show the increase in CO2 above 280 ppm exceeded the sum of human CO2 emissions before 1960. This proves natural emissions caused the CO2 increase and it proves IPCC’s core theory is false.
  2. A positive correlation between two trending time series does NOT prove one is the cause of the other. Proper statistics first “detrends” time series data. Then it correlates the data in the time steps. The annual correlation between human CO2 emissions and the increase in atmospheric CO2 is ZERO. That means IPCC’s core theory is false.

Data proves IPCC’s core theory is wrong.

In the figure below, the black dots show the CO2 data. The small blue dots show the sum of all human CO2 emissions. Notice the CO2 data is greater than the sum of all human CO2 until 1960. That means nature caused the CO2 level to increase. Therefore, the IPCC core theory is wrong.


Don’t worry that the sum of human CO2 becomes greater after 1960 because the sum is not a valid argument anyway. It omits the flow of human CO2 out of the atmosphere.

The solid blue line shows the true effect of human CO2. In 2020, the human-caused increase in CO2 is 25 percent and the natural-caused increase in CO2 is 75 percent of the total increase.

The key point is the data have proven IPCC’s core theory is wrong.

Physics proves IPCC’s core theory is wrong.

The figure below illustrates how I used physics to prove IPCC’s core theory is wrong.


The left column shows the IPCC fraud section. IPCC first assumed its core theory is true. Then it derived its “fake” human carbon cycle from its core theory. IPCC’s fake human carbon cycle causes bad stuff to happen. This IPCC unprofessional scientific error is the foundation of ALL climate alarmism.

The right column shows IPCC’s science section. IPCC first derived its natural carbon cycle using the best data it has. But IPCC did not continue to do science. IPCC diverted into its political goals and showed its fake human carbon cycle.

IPCC never derived its human carbon cycle from its natural carbon cycle, as it should have done.

Therefore, I used physics – that I can teach to good high school students – to create a carbon cycle model that simulates IPCC’s natural carbon cycle. Then I use this physics model to calculate IPCC’s real human carbon cycle. IPCC should have done this, but IPCC did not – in spite of receiving hundreds of billions of your tax dollars.

The clincher is IPCC’s real human carbon cycle is not at all like IPCC’s fake human carbon cycle. And IPCC’s real human carbon cycle does not cause bad stuff to happen.

IPCC’s invalid human carbon cycle proves IPCC core theory is wrong.

The dramatic disagreement between IPCC’s fake and real human carbon cycles proves IPCC’s core theory is wrong.

IPCC’s fake human carbon cycle follows different physics than IPCC’s natural carbon cycle, which violates physics. Put politely, IPCC’s fake human carbon cycle is a fraud.

The political implications of IPCC’s scientific fraud are significant. IPCC told the world its human carbon cycle was valid. The world changed the world economy, elected supporting candidates, and proposed climate treaties based upon IPCC’s fraud.

Today, IPCC’s climate fraud goes unchecked. Media and government promote the fraud. Schools and universities promote the fraud. Social media “fact checking” promote the fraud. Government funding promotes the fraud. Non-profit corporations promote the fraud.
Given this IPCC fraud, no true scientist can claim that human carbon emissions caused all the increase in atmospheric CO2 above 280 ppm.

Here’s the political problem.

In the USA, Democrats support and promote the climate fraud. Most Republican support true climate science.

Present voter demographics favor the Democrats because they have brainwashed enough voters to believe the climate fraud.

The Democrats are attacking President Trump on climate science. Trump is correct but 70 percent of American voters believe he is wrong.

So far, Republicans have done NOTHING to dispel the climate fraud. If Trump goes down, Republicans will down with him in statewide races for Congress and Governor.

If Montana Republican Senator Daines loses to former governor Bullock, it will be because voters believe the climate fraud. The same will be true for Montana’s Republican candidates for Governor and Congress.

What you can do.

Please tell your friends that we have solid proof that the climate alarmists are wrong on science. Tell your friends their CO2 emissions are not destroying the planet. Tell the media. Tell your favorite radio talk shows.
Tell them to come to htpps:// for more information on this critical subject.

Please tell President Trump, if you can reach him, that we now have the science that proves he is correct about climate. If he knows this, he may do something about it to assure he wins.

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