Science: RACE IS REAL: Racial differences in pregnancy duration and its implications for perinatal care
Video: General Von Manstein: Advice on HOPELESS sitations for Nations
Many Whites have told me that our situation is hopeless in all our nations including here in S.Africa. In this video I take a look at brilliant White men who lived through the hell of war and what they thought about hopeless and desperate situations. What did these men think who had spent years of their lives handling desperate, dangerous and hopeless situations.
[All Women are not the same! Ditto for all men. Race is NOT a figment of your imagination. It is real, and it is science. JEWS JEWS JEWS don't want you to believe it is real. This is a science paper. Yes, they can measure the length of gestation and Black women give birth 5 days earlier than White women. Jan]
Racial differences in pregnancy duration and its implications for perinatal care
E Papiernik 1 , G R Alexander, N Paneth
PMID: 2292982 DOI: 10.1016/0306-9877(90)90173-c
The average length of gestation is about 5 days shorter in black populations than in white populations. Although some of this difference is accounted for by higher preterm delivery rates in blacks, the most common gestational week of delivery at term is the 39th in black populations, the 40th in white. Black gestational age specific neonatal mortality is lower than that of whites until the 37th week of gestation, but higher thereafter. These observations suggest the hypothesis that complications of postmaturity occur sooner in black fetuses. If this hypothesis is confirmed, antepartum surveillance for signs of fetal compromise should be initiated earlier in gestation in black parturients, perhaps by setting the estimated date of confinement at 275 days after the LMP, rather than the conventional 280 days.
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