Science: IQ: A study of the intelligence of Kazakhs, Russians and Uzbeks in Kazakhstan
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[Take note that the Russians have an IQ the same as Europeans. So I suspect that the Russians tested are largely of European origin. Though not all Russians are European. But it seems to me to be the preponderance of Russians – I suppose depending on where in Russia you are. The Kazahks, who are a Turkic people, have a lower IQ, more or less like Mixed race people. Jan]
British IQ in Kazakhstan measured by the Standard Progressive Matrices Plus is estimated at 87.7.
Ethnic Kazakhs obtained a mean British IQ of 82.2.
Ethnic Russians obtained a mean British IQ of 103.2.
Ethnic Uzbeks obtained a mean British IQ of 86.0.
Data are reported for intelligence measured by the Standard Progressive Matrices Plus of school students in Kazakhstan. Ethnic Kazakhs obtained a mean British IQ of 82.2, ethnic Russians obtained a mean British IQ of 103.2, and ethnic Uzbeks obtained a mean British IQ of 86.0. The IQ of Kazakhstan is estimated at 87.3.
Factor analysis showed three factors identified as Gestalt Continuation, Verbal-Analytic Reasoning and Visuospatial Ability, replicating the analysis by Lynn, Allik, and Irwing (2004). The Russians performed significantly better than the Kazakhs in all age groups on Factor g and Factor 1 (Visuospatial Ability). There was no significant ethnic difference for Factor 2 (Gestalt Continuation) for ages 11, 12 and 13, although Russians performed significantly better than Kazakhs for age 10. The Russians scored significantly higher Factor 3 (Verbal-Analytical Reasoning) at ages 11, 12 and 13.
Video: The Jews tried to kill Adolf Hitler 42 times!
In this video we will look at the 42 times they tried to kill Adolf Hitler. But what is missing from the discussion is the most obvious thing (just like with the death of George Lincoln Rockwell the US Nazi), the JEW!!